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Publicizing DUI Enforcement

Topic/issue: Traffic Safety

Source: USS Carl Vinson

Description: In April 2006, the USS Carl Vinson used the stories of two crewmembers who had recently been charged with DUIs as publicity for the Navy’s stricter enforcement actions. The two Sailors shared their experiences with the rest of the command via an article in the ship’s paper and the Naval Safety Center website.

The punishment: 45 days restriction, 45 days extra duty, half-month’s pay for two months (one month suspended) and reduction in rate to the next lower pay grade (suspended).

One of the Sailors did thousands of dollars in damages to his car, which was totaled. “These were the most expensive five beers I’ve ever drank in my life,” he said.

Since pulling into the Tidewater Area, Vinson had had 25 cases where Sailors were found driving under the influence, including eight in March 2006 and three in April. The ship’s commanding officer deduced that some Vinson Sailors hadn’t yet understood the command's policy of "One drink equals do not drive."

Both Sailors agreed to help drive this word home during a command-wide safety stand down slated for May. They consented to have their experiences videotaped as part of a video documenting a DUI-related Captain’s Mast.


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