The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

Database Subscriptions

Many libraries, schools, universities, and hospitals subscribe to NORD’s Rare Disease Database for unlimited access to reports on more than 1,150 diseases.

Index of Rare Diseases

This is the list of diseases currently covered in the Rare Disease Database.

Rare Disease Database

Search this database for reports on more than 1,150 diseases.

View sample report

Index of Organizations

This is the list of organizations in NORD’s Organizational Database.

Organizational Database

Read about more than 2,000 patient organizations and other sources of help.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

List of Orphan Product Designations and Approvals

Experiences of the Rare Disorder Community

In 1989, a Congressional committee released a report on the ways in which having a rare disease affects patients and their families. Now, NORD and a Sarah Lawrence College graduate student have conducted a similar, but smaller, study to update the findings. Read the full text of the report.

NORD Member Organization Events and Requests for Proposals

NORD’s Member Organizations host many conferences and scientific meetings. Read about important upcoming events on the Member Organization Events page and Member Organization RFPs page.

NORD Nonprofit Resource Center

Helpful advice for establishing and growing a patient organization

Read About NORD’s Patient Assistance Programs

NORD administers various programs to help people obtain certain medications. These include medication assistance programs for uninsured patients, Medicare and insurance co-pay programs, early or expanded access to investigational products, travel and relocation assistance for clinical trial participants, and emergency or limited access to products in short supply. Click here to read about the patient assistance programs currently being administered by NORD.

NORD Gets 4-Star Rating for Sound Fiscal Management

sound fiscal management

For the sixth consecutive year, NORD has been awarded the top (4-Star) rating for sound fiscal management by Charity Navigator, a leading evaluator of charities. Less than four cents of every dollar donated to NORD goes to administrative and fundraising costs. Details.

NORD supports National Family Caregivers Month.

FDA Approves Sabril for Infantile Spasms

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Sabril (vigabatrin) Oral Solution to treat infantile spasms in children ages one month to two years. This disorder, also known as West syndrome, is a type of epilepsy that typically appears during the first year of life. It is characterized by severe seizures that may occur with great frequency. Read FDA's press release.

Hemophilia Federation of America Member Introduces President Obama

Nathan Wilkes, the father of a son with hemophilia, was given the opportunity to share his family's story on a national platform. Nathan was invited to introduce President Obama at a town hall meeting in Grand Junction, Colorado. He spoke of his family, his concerns with health insurance lifetime caps, made an introduction and then shook the hand of our nation's President: Details.

Francis Collins Confirmed to Head NIH

The Department of Health and Human Services has announced that Francis Collins, MD, PhD, has been confirmed by the Senate as the new Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Read the press release.

In Letter to Congress, NORD Urges Action on Health Care Reform

NORD has written to all members of Congress urging action on health care reform. To fail to act as a result of seeking a perfect solution is an unacceptable choice, the letter says. It also lists three requirements for health care reform. Read NORD's letter.

Wisconsin Child to Appear on Discovery Health Channel's Mystery Diagnosis

On August 29, at 10 p.m. EST, Discovery Health Channel's award-winning "Mystery Diagnosis" will feature Claire Mantey and her family, of Green Bay Wisconsin in an episode about her rare health condition, lymphangiomatosis. Read the story provided by the Lymphangiomatosis & Gorham's Disease Alliance, a Rare Disease Day Partner with NORD.

The Importance of Funding for Rare Disease Research

People with common diseases have the comfort of knowing that many researchers, in many labs, are seeking treatments and cures. With rare diseases, however, the loss of a single research lab can be devastating for affected patients and their families. The organization representing patients with the rare disease known as NBIA (neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation) is seeking to raise funds to keep a research lab open. Read the article.

CNN Features Family's Struggle Against Dystonia

In recent days, CNN has aired a very moving feature on the Staab family's odyssey in search of a cure for dystonia. The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, a member of NORD, provides information on this little-known disorder as well as information about resources for those affected. View the CNN video.

Rare Disease Day Research Hall of Fame

Laird Jackson, MD, had been searching for the illusive Cornelia de Lange syndrome gene for more than two decades when he heard about Ian Krantz, MD, at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Read about Drs. Jackson and Krantz, and the other outstanding scientists nominated to the 2009 Rare Disease Day Research Hall of Fame.

PNH Support Meetings

NORD is hosting a series of regional support meetings for patients and families affected by paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). Details for August 15 meeting in Philadelphia. Future meetings are planned for Orlando (Sept. 11-12), San Francisco (Sept. 25-26) Boston (Oct. 2-3), and San Antonio (Nov. 6-7).
Sept. 12 meeting in Orlando..

What is PNH? Power Point presentation download.
If you do not have Power Point on your computer, you can download a free viewer

We Salute Our Rare Disease Day Partners!

Rare Disease Day More than 220 organizations, agencies, and companies signed on as Rare Disease Day Partners to promote awareness of rare diseases as a public health issue for World Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28th. They did a fantastic job, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to them!

Through their efforts, awareness was raised across the nation via special events, letters to the editor, videos, news stories, and state proclamations.

View list of Rare Disease Day Partners here.

(How to become a Partner).

Rare Disease Day Partner Spotlight

Oregon Health & Science University Rare Disorders Research Consortium
Oregon Health & Science University Rare Disorders Research Consortium

Each time you return to your screen, you'll see the logo for a different Rare Disease Day Partner. These logos are links. We encourage you to visit the Partners' websites to learn more about them and the rare diseases of particular interest to them.

View NORD's 25th Anniversary Gala video

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Help NORD improve the lives of people with rare diseases.

Make an online donation in honor or memory of a friend or loved one.

Who We Are

NORD is a unique federation of individuals and organizations working together to build a better world for people affected by rare diseases. Read about NORD.

NORD Member Organizations

NORD Board of Directors

NORD Medical Advisory Committee

NORD Corporate Council

Our Online Community

Visit the Community

NORD has partnered with Inspire to create a free, unique online community service for rare-disease patients, their families, and caregivers. It will be a place where people can find and support one another, share stories, and build a network of online friends.

NORD's Washington Office

Read about NORD's advocacy on current issues, and learn how you can become involved. Click for details


Quick facts, FAQs, and other information for members of the press. Click for details.

Looking for Help?

You can contact NORD's Nurse or Genetic Counselor with questions or concerns. Call (800) 999-NORD or write to or Genetic_Counselor

Free Booklets for Physicians

NORD provides free booklets on rare diseases to physicians and other medical specialists. (Go to story)

Medical Assistance Programs

NORD’s Medication Assistance Programs provide specific prescription drugs to people who cannot afford them. (Go to Article)

NORD is a participant in the Combined Federal Campaign: #11992 in the CFC brochure.

©2009 NORD - National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. All rights reserved.

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