FY09 Troop Pay Boost Gaining Steam

CQ Politics reports that the Senate Armed Services Committee has marked up their version of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes language similar to legislation (H.R. 5481) introduced by Gus earlier this year authorizing for "a 3.9 percent pay raise for U.S. military personnel, a half percentage point more than President Bush sought in his budget request."

Last year, Gus introduced H.R. 2027, which would provide for a half percent point more in troop pay than the President's request. Similar language was included in the FY 2008 NDAA bill signed into law in January 2008.

In a press release put out shortly after introducing this year's legislation, Gus made the following remarks...

“It is critical for the continued growth and morale of our Armed Forces that we work towards improving the existing military and private sector pay gap...While I applaud the Administration’s efforts to boost military pay, I believe we can and should do better. This legislation will move us closer to achieving parity between private and military pay rates and help our Armed Forces continue to attract quality men and women.”


 Troops Military Veterans
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