





ORDER NO.  3271


SIGNATURE DATE:  April 9, 2007


Subject:  Temporary Redelegation of Authority of the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget


Sec. 1  Purpose.  The purpose of this Order is to temporarily redelegate all functions, duties, and responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget that are not required by statute or regulation to be performed only by the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget.  It is intended to ensure uninterrupted management and execution of the duties of the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget in the interim period before a successor assumes the duties of the position under governing laws and procedures.


Sec. 2  Authority.  This Order is issued under the authority of Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended.


Sec. 3  Delegation.  The authority delegated to the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget in 209 DM 4 and 109 DM 4, as well as any other applicable Departmental Manual chapters, is hereby redelegated to the Associate Deputy Secretary, except for those functions or duties that are required by statute or regulation to be performed only by the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget.  Any functions or duties assigned by statute or regulation exclusively to the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget will be performed by me, in accordance with the Vacancies Reform Act, 5 U.S.C. '' 3345 - 3349d.


Sec. 4  Order of Succession.  The designation of “first assistant” to the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget in 112 DM 1.2A is hereby revoked.  The Designation of Successors for the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget, signed on June 8, 2006, is hereby modified to specify that none of the positions identified therein shall be construed to be the position of “first assistant,” as that term is used in the Vacancies Reform Act.     


Sec. 5  Limitation.  This redelegation does not supersede existing delegations of authority to or from the Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget to subordinate officials, except that such subordinate officials will report to and receive direction from the Associate Deputy Secretary for the duration of the term of this Order.  


Sec. 6  Expiration Date.  This Order is effective on April 9, 2007.  It will automatically expire either upon the qualification of a new Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget, or upon the designation of an Acting Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget in accordance with the Vacancies Reform Act.  In the absence of the foregoing actions, it will terminate on April 9, 2008, unless extended, modified, or revoked.





                                                                                                            /s/ DIRK KEMPTHORNE

                                                                                                            Secretary of the Interior



SO#3271 4/9/07