United States Department of the Interior






ORDER NO.  3241, Amendment No. 4  (Amended material italicized)


SIGNATURE DATE:  March 31, 2006


Subject:  Delegation of Authority for the San Gabriel Basin Restoration Project


Sec. 1  Purpose.  This Order provides for delegation of the Secretary=s authority to appropriate Bureau of Reclamation officials to issue and execute grant agreements from the San Gabriel Basin Restoration Fund.


Sec 2  Background.  Recently enacted appropriations legislation includes language that amends previous legislation that created the San Gabriel Basin Restoration Fund.  Included in the amendments is the transfer of responsibility for administering the Fund from the Secretary of the Army (Corps of Engineers) to the Secretary of the Interior. 


Sec. 3  Authority.  The authority for this delegation is Public Law 106-554, Appendix D, Division B, Title I, '110, as amended by P.L. 107-66, '202, and Section 2 of Reorganization Plan Number 3 of 1950, 64 Stat.1262, as amended.


Sec. 4  Delegation.  So much of the Secretary=s authority as may be necessary to administer the San Gabriel Basin Restoration Fund is delegated through the Assistant Secretary - Water and Science to the Commissioner of Reclamation.  The authority delegated to the Commissioner of Reclamation may be further delegated.  The authority delegated includes:


a.       administering the Restoration Fund in cooperation with the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority or its successor agency;


b.       issuing and executing grants to reimburse the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority and the Central Basin Municipal Water District for the Federal share of costs required to design and construct water quality projects; and


c.       issuing and executing grants to reimburse the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority and the Central Basin Municipal Water District for the Federal share of costs required to operate any project constructed under those authorities cited in Section 3 of this Order for a period not to exceed 10 years, following the initial date of operation of the project.


Sec. 5  Expiration Date.  This Order is effective immediately.  It shall remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual or until it is amended, superseded, or revoked, whichever occurs first.  In the absence of any of the foregoing actions, this Order shall terminate and become obsolete on March 31, 2008.




/s/ Gale A. Norton

Secretary of the Interior


SO#3241A4 3/31/06

Replaces SO#3241A3 3/31/05

Replaces SO#3241A2 9/30/04

Replaces SO#3241A1 9/26/03

Replaces SO#3241 3/18/02