
ORDER NO. 3200, Amendment No. 4 Amended material italicized

SIGNATURE DATE: January 15, 1999

Subject: Establishment of a Task Group to Close the Bureau of Mines

Sec. 1 Purpose. The purpose of this Order is to establish a temporary organization responsible for the orderly closure of the Bureau of Mines.

Sec. 2 Authority. This Order is issued under the authority of Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended.

Sec. 3 Establishment of the Organization. A Closure Task Group is established as a temporary organization, with responsibility for continued implementation of the orderly closure of the Bureau of Mines. The Helium Program Administrator, Bureau of Land Management, will serve as Director, Closure Task Group, as a collateral duty. The Director, Closure Task Group will report to the Assistant Secretary - Water and Science and coordinate, as necessary, with the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget. Staff assigned to the Closure Task Group will report to the Director, Closure Task Group.

Sec. 4 Delegations. The Director, Closure Task Group, is delegated through the Assistant Secretary - Water and Science all the authority necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the Closure Task Group. This includes but is not limited to the authority to develop and administer, on behalf of the Bureau of Mines and the Closure Task Group, Memorandums of Agreement with bureaus and offices of the Department of the Interior and with the Department of Energy to assist in closure activities.

Sec. 5 Implementation. The Assistant Secretary - Water and Science and the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget are responsible for ensuring implementation of this Order.

Sec. 6 Effective Date. This Order is effective immediately. It will remain in effect until it is amended, superseded or revoked, whichever comes first. In the absence of the foregoing action, the provisions of this Order will terminate and be considered obsolete on January 31, 2000.

/s/ Bruce Babbitt

Secretary of the Interior

SO#3200A4 1/15/99

Replaces SO#3200A3 12/15/97

Replaces SO#3200A2 3/27/97

Replaces SO#3200A1 9/26/96

Replaces SO#3200 5/2/96

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