
ORDER NO. 3191

SIGNATURE DATE: August 4, 1995

Subject: Abolishment of the Office of Territorial and International Affairs and Establishment of an Office of Insular Affairs

Sec. 1 Purpose. The purpose of this Order to create an organizational and management structure for handling insular and international responsibilities of the Department of the Interior that is more streamlined and better reflects the political status changes, and social and economic maturation of the territories.

Sec. 2 Authority. This Order is issued in accordance with the authority provided by Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended.

Sec. 3 Reorganization. The specific changes effected by this Order are as follows:

a. The Office of the Assistant Secretary - Territorial and International Affairs, including the positions of Assistant Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary - Territorial and International Affairs, is abolished.

b. The Office of Territorial and International Affairs is abolished.

c. A new Office of Insular Affairs, reporting to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, under the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, is established and assigned to Competitive Area 01 for the Office of the Secretary. This Office is responsible for ensuring that the responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior regarding the territories and Freely Associated States of the United States are carried out. This includes serving as a focal point for the coordination of the development and implementation of policies pertaining to the insular areas and providing financial oversight to ensure that Federal funds provided to insular areas are used consistent with their authorized purposes.

d. Coordination of international activities for the Department of the Interior is transferred to the Office of Policy Analysis.

e. Certain budget functions are transferred to the Office of Budget.

Sec. 4 Implementation. The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget is responsible for implementing this Order.

Sec. 5 Effective Date. This Order is effective immediately. It will remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual or until it is amended, superseded or revoked, whichever comes first. In the absence of the foregoing action, the provisions of this Order will terminate and be considered obsolete on October 1, 1996.

/s/ Bruce Babbitt

Secretary of the Interior

SO#3191 8/4/95

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