
ORDER NO. 3187, Amendment 4 Amended material italicized

SIGNATURE DATE: January 29, 1999

Subject: U.S. Geological Survey Reorganization

Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Order is to modify the organization of the

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and to establish an interim framework for the Headquarters organization that will permit operation under that structure while the more detailed organizational statements are being prepared for inclusion in the Departmental Manual.

Section 2. Authority. This Order is issued in accordance with the authority provided by Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended.

Section 3. Organization Changes and Structure. The specific changes effected by this Order are as follows:

a. The following positions and associate deputy positions are abolished: Associate Director, Assistant Director for Engineering Geology, Assistant Director for Programs, Assistant Director for Administration, Assistant Director for Research, Assistant Director for Information Systems, Assistant Director for Intergovernmental Affairs, and Assistant to the Director for Human Resources.

b. The following positions are established: Deputy Director, Associate Director (Programs); Associate Director (Operations); Chief, Program Planning and Coordination Office; Chief, Outreach Office; Chief, Program Operations Office; and Chief, Program Support Office.

c. The Program Planning and Coordination Office and the Outreach Office are established under the Associate Director (Programs). The Program Operations Office is established under the Associate Director (Operations), and the Washington Liaison Office is moved under the Associate Director (Operations).

Section 4. Organizational Responsibilities. The Director and the two Associate Directors serve as the senior leadership team for overall direction and policy oversight of the USGS.

a. The Deputy Director acts as Director in the Director's absence.

b. The Associate Director (Programs) participates in the overall management of the USGS and has primary responsibility for the following:

(1) Strategic Program Planning to assure that natural science priorities and goals stay abreast of national policies and priorities, changing socio-economic conditions, external constituencies, and other activities/initiatives that may affect USGS science programs.

(2) Bureau-level interdisciplinary Program Coordination to assure that the Office of the Director provides the opportunity and support for enhanced, integrated science programs since investigations are becoming more collaborative and interdisciplinary in nature.

(3) Publications and Information Systems Policy to establish policy and procedures for a coordinated bureauwide publications program and to manage the enhancement and automated delivery of natural science information, the development of standards for natural science data, the development and implementation of ADP standards and information systems policy, and the storage of data and interdivisional development of information technologies.

(4) Intergovernmental Affairs to assure that liaisons are established and maintained with Federal, State, and local governments on natural science programs of mutual interest.

(5) Liaison with the Scientific and Technical Community to build collaborative relationships with others in the scientific community who share a common interest in anticipating, articulating, and addressing scientific issues of mutual concern.

(6) Outreach/Public Affairs/Education to disseminate the bureau's information to its many constituencies, including news media, Congress, private sector groups, and the general public; and to implement educational initiatives and programs for the bureau.

(7) Ethics policy promulgation relating to scientific integrity of the bureau's programs.

c. The Associate Director (Operations) participates in the overall management of the USGS and is the focal point for issues related to the development and implementation of strategic and operational plans, policies, and programs related to the management and operational support for the bureau's wide range of natural science programs. The Associate Director (Operations) has primary responsibility for the following:

(1) Policy, management, and systems oversight of USGS financial management functions as the USGS Chief Financial Officer. In association with the Chief, Program Operations Office and the Chief, Program Support Office, exercises bureau-level responsibility for accounting, budget, information resources management, and procurement.

(2) Oversight of the budget formulation, presentation, and execution for the USGS. In cooperation with the Associate Director (Programs), develops and fosters long-term budget strategies to assure funding recognition of critical natural science initiatives and mandates.

(3) Leadership for bureauwide human resources management (HRM) policies. In association with the Chief, Program Support Office, exercises bureau-level responsibility for planning, promoting, and coordinating the USGS HRM program and develops policy to respond to guidance and instructions received from the Office of the Director and the Divisions' Committees.

(4) Ethics policy relating to outside activities, gifts and funding from outside sources, non-Federal employment, and financial interests.

(5) Executive direction and leadership for the development and implementation of bureauwide administrative management policies to assure that administrative operational activities effectively and efficiently support and enhance the accomplishment of the bureau's mission, objectives and goals.

(6) Congressional Liaison activities to assure that contacts with counterpart organizations in the Office of the Secretary, other DOI bureaus, and the Congress are established and maintained in order to facilitate the exchange of information relating to or affecting bureau programs and to stay abreast of legislative matters that impact the bureau.

(7) Executive management and establishment of program priorities for the Director's Office Administrative Support and the Correspondence Control Office.

Section 5. Administrative Provisions. The Director, USGS, will take appropriate steps to effect the transfer of personnel, funds, and property to implement the provisions of this Order.

Section 6. Effective Date. This Order is effective immediately. Its provisions will remain in effect until they are converted to the Departmental Manual or until it is amended, superseded, or revoked, whichever occurs first. In the absence of the foregoing actions, however, this Order will terminate and be considered obsolete on January 31, 2001.

/s/ Bruce Babbitt

Secretary of the Interior

SO#3187A4 1/29/99

Replaces SO#3187A3 1/29/98

Replaces SO#3187A2 12/27/96

Replaces SO#3187A1 1/31/96

Replaces SO#3187 1/31/95

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