
ORDER NO. 3182

SIGNATURE DATE: November 8, 1994

Subject: Organization of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Section 1 Purpose. The purpose of this Order is to modify the organization of the BLM and to establish a new framework for the headquarters organization which will permit operation under that structure while the more detailed organizational statements are being prepared for inclusion in the Departmental Manual. The objective of the headquarters reorganization is to enhance the overall headquarters function to facilitate ecosystem management, strengthen the BLM's interdisciplinary approach to management, and serve a broader constituency.

Section 2 Authority. This Order is issued in accordance with the authority provided by Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended.

Section 3 Organization Changes. The specific changes effected by this Order are as follows:

a. The following positions and associated deputy positions are abolished: Deputy Director for External Affairs; Assistant Director, Land and Renewable Resources; Assistant Director, Energy and Mineral Resources; Assistant Director, Support Services; Assistant Director, Management Services; and Assistant Director, Resource Protection.

b. The following positions are established: Principal Deputy Director; Assistant Director, Resource Assessment and Planning; Assistant Director, Resource Use and Protection; Assistant Director, External Affairs; and Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal Services. The position of Assistant Director, Human Resources Management (HRM), is established as an interim position. The status of the position will be evaluated in terms of HRM functions, priorities and leadership requirements by the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 1995.

c. The Office (Project) of Information Resources Management (IRM)/Modernization (located in Denver, Colorado) will report to the Director/Deputy Director (Associate).

d. Functions/work performed in program-oriented divisions/offices will be performed by teams which report to Assistant Directors, with the exception of the headquarters IRM policy functions which will be performed for the duration of the Modernization Project by a team reporting to the Director/Deputy Director (Associate). The current substructure of

divisions/offices/staffs will remain in place as a means of transition until the operational procedures are developed and implemented.

e. Functions/work performed by the Division of Law Enforcement and Resource Protection (located in Boise, Idaho) will be performed by a team which reports to the Assistant Director, Resource Use and Protection.

f. Functions of the Division of Fire and Aviation Policy and Management and of the BLM National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) Directorate, (both located in Boise, Idaho) will be consolidated into an Office of Fire and Aviation Management. The functions/work performed by this office will be performed by teams. The office will report to the Assistant Director, Resource Use and Protection.

g. The National Training Center (located in Phoenix, Arizona) will report to the Assistant Director, Human Resources Management.

h. Functions presently located at the Service Center in Denver will be reengineered and organized into an Applied Resource Science Center, reporting to the Assistant Director, Resource Assessment and Planning; a HRM Center, reporting to the Assistant Director, HRM; and a BLM Systems Center, reporting to the Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal Services. The Centers will be established at the discretion of the BLM Director as provided for in Section 6 of this Order. Upon establishment of these Centers (no later than the end of FY 1995), the position of Service Center Director will be evaluated in terms of need and status, and appropriate action will be taken.

Section 4 Organization Structure and Responsibilities. The organization structure for the BLM Headquarters Office consists of the Director's Office, five Assistant Directorates, and an IRM office located in Denver, Colorado. The field organization is composed of State Offices with subordinate District Offices and Resource Area Offices.

a. The Office of the Director is composed of the following: the Director, the Principal Deputy Director, the Deputy Director (Associate), the Office (Project) of IRM/Modernization (Denver) and a headquarters IRM policy team, senior advisors, special assistants and special offices. The Principal Deputy Director and the Deputy Director (Associate) share the responsibilities of the Director. Responsibilities of the Director include establishing overall goals and objectives for the BLM and ensuring that policies are consistent with statutory requirements and the Administration's priorities.

b. The Assistant Director for External Affairs assists the Director and is responsible for coordinating and facilitating the BLM's communication and liaison with other Interior bureaus and

Federal agencies, the Congress, the international community, Native American tribes, constituent groups, and the general public; and for developing policies for and coordinating environmental education and outreach initiatives.

c. The Assistant Director, Resource Assessment and Planning, is responsible for establishing and coordinating the BLM's policies and procedures for the inventory, assessment, monitoring, and reporting of existing and future conditions of and demands on ecosystems and resources on BLM-administered lands in coordination with the National Biological Survey; impact and trend analyses of factors affecting those ecosystems and resources in coordination with the National Biological Survey; participation in interagency efforts to establish indicators of and environmental accounting for ecosystem health and sustainability; land use planning including designation of special management areas, land tenure adjustments, and planning protest processes; land ownership surveys; geographic and spatial data; and appropriate liaison with other Federal agencies, Congress, academic and research institutions, Native Americans, constituent groups, and the general public.

d. The Assistant Director, Resource Use and Protection, is responsible for establishing and coordinating BLM policies and procedures for pricing, issuing, tracking, monitoring compliance, and maintaining appropriate case records for leases, licenses, and other permits and authorizations for uses of BLM-administered lands; pollution prevention, remediation, mitigation, and restoration approaches, including hazardous materials and site management; realty actions; economic and other incentives to enhance ecosystem sustainability; engineering applications; wildland fire, aviation, and law enforcement activities; all hazard program coordination; and appropriate liaison with other Federal agencies, Congress, Native Americans, constituent groups, and the general public. The current functions/responsibilities of the NIFC are unchanged.

e. The Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal Services, is the Chief Financial Officer for the BLM and is responsible for control of fund systems; management control and evaluation; Inspector General/General Accounting Office liaison; budget development and execution; management of fiscal assets; procurement; real/personal property; information services; accounting principles and standards; organization management/analysis; strategic planning coordination; leadership in performance measurement, quality management, and process reengineering; and appropriate liaison with other Federal agencies, Congress, Native Americans, constituent groups, and the general public.

f. The Assistant Director, Human Resources Management, is responsible for implementing Interior policies relative to human resources including diversification of the workforce; assessment of staffing and skills needs; employee enhancement, development and training; team building; facilitation training and services; team based and employee performance evaluation and pay/award systems; recruitment and capacity building strategies; employee counseling; human resources related compliance; occupational safety and health; workplace security; labor-management partnerships; ethics; appropriate liaison with other Federal agencies, Congress, Native Americans, constituent groups, and the general public; and other human resources responsibilities assigned to the BLM.

Section 5 Administrative Provisions. The Director, BLM will take appropriate steps to effect the transfer of personnel, funds, and property to implement the provisions of this Order.

Section 6 Effective Date. This Order is effective upon signature and will be implemented in phases at the discretion of the BLM Director and upon notification to the Office of the Secretary. It will remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual or until it is amended, superseded, or revoked, whichever occurs first. However, in the absence of the foregoing actions, the provisions of this Order shall terminate and be considered obsolete one year after the effective date of the Order.

/s/ Bruce Babbitt

Secretary of the Interior

SO#3182 11/8/94

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