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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Front Page News

Court Upholds E-Verify Rule for Federal Contractors
Implementation of the E-Verify rule for federal contractors is imminent, as a district court rejected business groups’ challenge of the rule today. Contractors with contracts of $100,000 or more on or after Sept. 8, 2009, and their subcontractors should do a fire drill “to get people prepared,”an attorney says.

American Workers' Financial Fears Remain High
Recent signs of recovery on Wall Street haven't mitigated American workers' worries. "Above all right now, American workers are finanically stressed," says the founder and CEO of a financial education provider.

Training Encouraged for Greater Mobility
In the economic downturn, consider upskilling--training for a new position and a new skillset.

More U.S. Employers Plan to Hire
More than half the employers in a new poll say they plan to hire full-time employees in the next 12 months, according to research released Tuesday that could spell relief for unemployed U.S. workers.

Report Reveals Need for Pension Improvements
A government report said that only 50 percent of U.S. workers currently are covered by a retirement plan, highlighting the need for improving the country’s employer-sponsored pension system.

Chamber Opposes NLRB Nominee
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is challenging President Obama's nomination of Craig Becker, associate general counsel for the Service Employees International Union, to a seat on the National Labor Relations Board.

Suggestions Given on Federal EEO Process
Federal government employees may see improvements to long-standing deficiences with the federal equal employment opportunity complaint process, according to a report issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

Colonial Life
Video of the Day
Staffing for HR Metrics
Michelle Deneau, Workforce Planning Manager for Hewlett-Packard, discusses the skills needed to effectively manage the HR metrics function. View this video

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Economically Challenging Times
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 Featured Book

Performance Appraisal Source Book

The Performance Appraisal Source Book puts the best practical examples of good performance-appraisal forms at your fingertips. With more than 40 sample forms for all types of performance reviews, this guide to developing and using performance appraisal systems is chock full of both great examples and wise advice.

This Month's Bestsellers

What books are HR professionals buying? Here's a look at SHRMStore's top-sellers for the week of August 14.

Solving the Compensation Puzzle. Putting together a complete pay and performance system.

101 Sample Write Ups For Documenting Employee Performance Problems. A guide to progressive discipline and termination.

Making Mergers Work. The strategic importance of people.

Best Practices in Succession Planning. Case studies, research model and tools.

The Manager's Guide to HR. What every manager needs to know about human resources.

Ultimate Employer. Everything you need to manage your workforce.

Know How. Ram Charam on skills that separate people who perform from those who don't.

SHRMStore Picks of the Week

The Stanford Video Guide to Negotiating. Stay a step ahead of your negotiating counterparts.

Performance Management

Performance Based Evaluation

About HR
HR Disciplines
Firms Tackle Health Costs Aggressively
Many American employers are taking increasingly bold steps to try to rein in health care costs for 2010, according to a new report.

Appearance Policies Pose Risks
Does an employee appearance policy geared toward a certain "look" automatically exclude certain people? Experts urge caution.
Job Seekers Push Up Relocation Rate
With few signs of a hiring resurgence, the latest job search statistics reveal an increased willingness among out-of-work Americans to pull up stakes and relocate to wherever positions are available

SHRM to Lead Delegation to India
Senior human resource executives will explore India Dec. 6-15 when SHRM leads them through the U.S.-India Executive HR Exchange program.


Legal Issues

Reaction to Noose Precluded Liability
The actions that a supervisor and HR professional took after a noose was found hanging in a workplace were deemed sufficient to uphold summary judgment for a company in a harassment case.


Top HR Talk Discussions
  Watching Michael Jackson Tribute at work
  Bagel Waivers?
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