[NIFL-ESL:10068] Re: certification

From: Terry Said (said@ameritech.net)
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 15:51:21 EST

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�One of the problems with particular requirements and
certification is, indeed, interpretation and
narrowness. One of the biggest problems is that ESL
gets housed in different departments in different
places so the ESL class may show up as a linguistics
class, or an education class, or an English class on a
transcript. And different institutions will be looking
for different things. For example, one community
college near me wants 18 hours of English courses to
teach ESL, and another wants 18 hours of linguistics
classes to teach ESL, and I have 18 hours of
"education" courses. My 20 years of teaching ESL,
including at the CC level, is irrelevant.

K-12 certification can be just as tricky but even more
strict. For example, I'm aware of a woman who used to
teach ESL Methods and other core courses for ESL
certification at the the college level, but after
moving to another state now has to take the same
courses she used to teach to get her certification in
that state. 

Several states have instituted special programs that
allow people to get quicker certification if they have
a bachelors or higher but not a teaching degree. You
may want to check out the eduaction departments of
colleges and universities near you to see if they have
such a program.

Terry Pruett-Said
ESL teacher

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