[NIFL-ESL:10022] Re: Level 0-1 Courses

From: ttweeton@comcast.net
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 12:16:35 EST

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I would live to see it too .If you send a copy can you sned me one as well? I would appreciate it. 
Tanya Tweeton
ESOL and GED Programs
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
> Mona et al:
> I'm currently using a curriculum called MELT
> (Mainstream English Language Training, produced
> by the Office of Refugee Resettlement). It
> basically covers what you're describing, mostly
> functional but with some grammatical structures
> listed. There are curricula for SPL Levels 0-1,
> 2-3 and 4-5 (0 being pre-literate and 5 being
> high-intermediate). I got my copy from the Spring
> Institute at www.spring-institute.org several
> months ago (the document was entitled
> Performance-Based Curricula and Outcomes).
> Unfortunately, I no longer see it listed on their
> website, though you may be able to contact them
> and get a copy. If you can't get it from them,
> let me know and I can arrange to send it to you.
> Jennifer Girard
> ESL Coordinator
> Refugee Resettlement Office
> Catholic Social Services
> Charlotte, NC USA
> --- Mona Curtis <MCurtis@tvcc.cc> wrote:
> > I don't have curricula to offer you, but I
> > think it's great that the teachers are being
> > given the opportunity to design and develop the
> > course.  It's something I haven't heard a lot
> > about.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I am
> > working on an ESL curricula for the college
> > that will both satisfy the states mandates for
> > objectives in each level and our reality of
> > extemely multilevel classes.  I think I have
> > come up with something that I am going to
> > present to the teachers in our upcoming
> > inservice.  I want to focus on the multilevel
> > aspect of our classes.  We already have a
> > curricula identifying strands of content.  1. 
> > Personal INformation, 2. 
> > Time/Calendar/Weather, 3.  Employment, 4. 
> > Health/Medical, 
> > 5.  Telephone, 6.  Shopping/Money/Banking and I
> > am thinking of adding 2 morey, namely 7.
> > Literacy/Writing 8.  Reading
> > 
> > I have started making a checklist of what
> > things need to be convered at each level in
> > each area.  For example, at Level 1 in
> > Shopping/Money/Banking students will only have
> > to identify the coins and bill, in the next
> > level they would have to know how to sign a
> > check, in the next, interpret a paycheck and
> > determine the gross and net pay, etc, etc.  
> > 
> > However it's not all functional,  there are
> > grammatical/structural concepts to be covered
> > in each level as well.  For example, in
> > Personal INformation Level 1 needs to Respond
> > to the question "How are you?"  They need to
> > know how to use "to be" in the present, and
> > also negative.  For example, I am not tired.  I
> > am bored.  Later they'll learn questions,
> > Action Verbs, do, does, etc.  past tense of
> > irregular verbs and all the things associated
> > with a progressive ESL curriculum.  Does anyone
> > know of any material out there that gives an
> > appropriate progression of difficulty in things
> > like this.  
> > 
> > Mona Curtis
> > ESL Coordinator
> > Treasure Valley Community College
> > 650 College Blvd. 
> > Ontario, OR 97914
> > www.tvcc.cc
> > 541-881-8822 x 316
> > fax 541-881-2747
> > 
> > >>> Tnahim@aol.com 03/03/04 06:44AM >>>
> > Hello Everyone, 
> >   Teachers at our Institute have been given the
> > opportunity to design and develop our own
> > courses. The range of courses in the program
> > are small, and students have indicated they
> > wanted more than "general" or "intensive" ESL.
> > I have taught the pre-beginning (Level 0) and
> > beginning (Level 1) classes). Therefore, I wld
> > like to develop two courses which might speak
> > to these needs: (1) a conversation course that
> > focuses on pronunciation/listening and speaking
> > and (2) a writing and communication course "for
> > the real world". The students are mainly adults
> > in their early-late 20s.
> >   Does anyone have suggestions for curricula,
> > books, materials to help formulate these types
> > of courses? Or perhaps wld like to share their
> > own course descriptions/curricula. Emphasis is
> > not on books here (my hat's off to Andres)since
> > I have many of my own ready made materials.
> > Suggestions esp for tapes/videos/cds are also
> > needed. The classes would meet once per week
> > for 3 hrs. Please reply to the list (so all cld
> > see the responses) or directly. 
> > Thanks, 
> > Terri Nahim 
> > tnahim@aol.com 
> > 
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