[NIFL-ESL:10412] Crosspost from VALUE

From: Lynda Terrill (lterrill@cal.org)
Date: Mon Aug 16 2004 - 10:18:56 EDT

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Dear participants, 

The following information may be of interest to teachers and learners
who are interested in learning about the electoral process of the United

Lynda Terrill

The message below is posted on behalf of VALUE, Inc. It is available in
.pdf for printing and distribution in hard copy from

Voice for Adult Literacy United for Education
2217 Providence Ave., 2nd Floor
Chester, PA 19013
610-876-7625 (tel.)  610-876-1996 (fax)

August 12, 2004

Dear Colleague,

VALUE, the national adult learner leadership organization, urges adult
education programs across the country to set aside September 8th through
October 8th for civics and voter registration activities in preparation
for the November election. This is a non-partisan effort to show that
adult learners have a desire and a need to vote and do vote.

We are asking administrators and teachers to include in their lesson
plans, topics on election education from September 8th to October 8th.  
This is to help adult learners to understand why voting is important in
a democracy, and to gain information on how to register to vote and the
voting procedures in their area. We, at VALUE, Inc are not experts on
the voting procedures, but we can guide you to a source that can provide
you with all the information you need.

Please read the March 2004 issue of "The Change Agent" at


It will provide you with important information about how to register to
vote. Learners and practitioners who are U.S. citizens can print a form
to register to vote or request one to be mailed to them by clicking on
the blue box near the bottom of the web page reading, "Your vote
matters". They will need to mail in the completed registration form 2-4
weeks before the election, but this varies depending on your state. You
will also find in "The Change Agent" web links to useful resources and
helpful voter education activities.

In addition, the National Council of Nonprofit Associations (NCNA) has
developed a toolkit on election activities for 501(c)(3) organizations.

It describes the types of election-related activities in which nonprofit
charities can engage. In addition to describing the do's and don'ts, it
provides samples and other materials to help charities engage in
permissible activities during this election cycle. The website is


If you click on Election 2004 Information, this will take you to the
NCNA election toolkit.

Please help us with this effort! It's very important to adult learners
to show that we care about what happens to our families, to our
neighborhoods, and to our country. If your program plans to participate,
and we hope you will, please e-mail our colleague, David Rosen, at
djrosen@comcast.net. Let him know your name, the name of your program,
your town/state,  briefly  describe what voter education or registration
activities you plan. David has agreed to provide updates on program
activities to the AAACE-NLA electronic list.

Thanks for your help and support!

Marty Finsterbusch
Executive Director

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