[NIFL-ESL:10251] Literacy President

From: David Rosen (djrosen@comcast.net)
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 17:51:53 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:10251] Literacy President
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Dear Colleague,

The election of the next President of the United States is important to 
adult literacy education.  It is a time to get critical questions from 
the field to the campaigns, to ask the candidates these questions at 
every opportunity, and -- we hope --  to get increasing commitment to 
support adult literacy education.

The organizers of SAVE NIFL  have launched another effort, called 
Literacy President.  Its goal is to increase Presidential commitment 
regardless of which candidate is elected.  Its initial activities 

1) Over the next two weeks we would like you to post your questions for 
the Presidential candidates to the AAACE-NLA list.  To subscribe to 
AAACE-NLA  go to


scroll to the bottom of the page, and follow the simple directions.

2) In Mid-May we will take your questions and create an online survey 
where you and other adult literacy practitioners and adult learners 
across the country can vote on them.

3) We will take the top 5-10 questions and get them to the Presidential 
campaigns in May or June.

There will be other activities, but we'll begin with these.

Please post your questions -- to AAACE-NLA  --  now.  You can send as 
many as you like, but please try to make them as clear as you can, 
write in plain English, and keep them short if you can.

If you want to discuss the campaign, please respect the focus of this 
list, and instead of discussing it here, let your views be known on the 
AAACE-NLA list.  Thanks.

David J. Rosen

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