[NIFL-ESL:9797] Re: Student anecdotes

Date: Fri Jan 23 2004 - 13:05:24 EST

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Thanks for sharing.  I am sure we all have stories of our students we
could share.  The adult education programs across the country are needed
so badly, why the legislators don't understand this I never get!  Adult
education changes lives!

>>> AndresM@epcc.edu 01/23/04 12:45PM >>>
I have been collecting student anecdotes in our migrant program. They
reflect the struggles that they face and how they try to overcome them.
A lot of them are about battered women, a major problem with our
students. I wanted to share the anecdotes with you. 

· One of our students has taken the GED exam but has yet to pass her
math portion. She is attending math tutoring so that she can re-test.
She has reported that her self-esteem has improved considerably as a
result of attending this program. She is currently enrolled full-time in
credit courses at El Paso Community College and she is also working at a
day-care. She wants to become a teacher. She has said that because of
the classes she has discovered that she is an intelligent woman and has
the potential of becoming a good teacher. She wants to work at an
elementary school, teaching classes to "children of her community" 

· One student was being physically abused by her Spouse, and verbally
abused by her mother in law and her children. She was very shy and would
not communicate in class and was always looking down. One day, after
much effort, she opened up to the promotora. The promotora invited
representatives of the Shelter for Battered Women and the Violence
Against Women Action program to speak with her. She refused services
from both programs. Finally, a program called Familias Fuertes that
offers group family counseling made a presentation in her class. All the
students in the class decided to join counseling sessions, as a strategy
to get the abused student to go to counseling. The whole class attended
counseling including the popular educator, and so did some of some of
the students'relatives, including the husband of the abused student.
Those students who complete a certain number of counseling sessions with
this program receive a certificate of completion. The entire class
completed the counseling sessions and received the certificate of
completion. In addition the entire class took the GED exams together.
The abused student has reported that her family situation has improved

· One of the students enrolled in our program was battered by her
husband and he forbade her from attending our classes. She moved to
Phoenix with her children to escape her husband. She recently returned
to El Paso and re-enrolled in our program.

· One student who enrolled reported that she wants to learn because her
children are attending elementary school, and she is embarrassed that
they know more than she does and they make fun of her. 

· The husband of one of our students was against her going to school.
He would tell her that she would not learn anything. He left her and
moved to Mexico and told her that he wouldn't come back unless she quit
school. She did not quit school. After a month he came back and started
to physically batter her, but she kept attending classes. She took her
GED exam and passed four out of five tests. When he saw her results he
tried to strangle her. He was arrested and is currently in jail. She
returned for additional tutoring and will re-test soon. She plans to
enroll in college. 

· An undocumented migrant worker with a fifth grade education from
Mexico was an excellent student in our program. She took all her GED
tests and had very high scores. As soon as she obtained her GED
certificate, she enrolled in a continuing education intensive ESL
program and is currently in level nine of that program. She is also
studying computers in the evenings. Because she is still undocumented,
she cannot qualify for financial aid to go to college. She is paying for
her ESL and computer classes out of her own pocket. She has stated that
after getting her GED certificate it became impossible for her to stop
attending school. 

· One of the top students in one class was violently physically and
sexually assaulted by her spouse before taking her GED tests. As a
result of the battery, she was not able to pass her exams. However, she
has decided to take the exams again. She currently makes flower
arrangements and repairs cars to earn a living. 

· A student with a fourth grade education would come to class with her
child. Her child would distract her consistently and she could not
concentrate. The whole class took turns to help her with her child so
that she could focus on her studies. She took her GED exam and earned
her certificate. Her child is enrolled in Head Start and she works there
as a volunteer while she waits for a work permit. She has been offered a
job with Head Start as soon as she receives her work permit. 

· A student's trailer home was burned to the ground with everything she
owned soon after she took her GED exam. She was hospitalized for smoke
inhalation. Her daughter who lives in Dallas, Texas took her mom to
Dallas and we lost contact with the student. The student recently
contacted us to tell us that she had earned her GED certificate. 

· In one class two women had the same first and last name. They were
both named Maria. To distinguish them, one was nicknamed Maria de la
Cebolla (onion). The reason for this is that she would come to class for
a while and half way through t· A young student with a newborn child was
being harassed by her ex-boyfriend, the father of the child. He was
threatening the student with taking her child away. The student was very
distressed and was performing poorly in her classes. The promotora
referred the student to "Familias Fuertes", a free counseling program.
Counselors talked to her and to her ex-boyfriend. Since then, the
student has reported that her ex-boyfriend is not harassing her anymore,
and she has been doing very well in her classes. 

· A homeless student with very low self-esteem enrolled in our program.
Since she enrolled, she earned her GED certificate, her cosmetology
license, she has found employment, and she is getting assistance to
purchase a home.

· A troubled youth from an alternative school was referred to our
program and was placed in one of our classes with mostly adults. At
first, he could not relate to the other adults and had a hard time
adapting to the class. Presently, he claims to have acquired a new
respect for adults and especially his mother. 

· A woman working in house-cleaning was asked, together with her other
co-workers, to do some overtime work. She refused since she was
attending GED classes. Her employer told her that if she passed her GED,
she would get promoted. She is currently working as an accounting
assistant for the same employer.

· Many GED graduates from Fort Hancock have requested employment as
teachers' aids upon completion of their GED tests. They do not speak
English well or at all, a requirement to work with the school district.
The school superintendent began to offer free ESL classes to GED
graduates so that they can work for the district. 

· A student reported that since she started attending GED classes she
reads and understands store receipts. On a recent visit to the grocery
store, she noticed that she was overcharged for an item and she
requested a refund. 

· Several GED graduates from last year are currently enrolled in credit
classes at EPCC. Some of them are volunteering as tutors for MAP.

· A student was admitted to college under the Noriega Bill.

· A student who had an alcoholic spouse learned about AA and Alanon in
class. They are both attending counseling.

· A student learned about the Shelter for Battered Women in class. She
referred her cousin who was being abused by her spouse. The cousin is
receiving counseling.

· A student wanted to bring her elderly and ill mother who lived in
Chihuahua to live with her in El Paso. With help from her instructor,
she got her mom a visa to come to the United States and a wheel chair
from another agency. Her mom passed away right before they made the trip
to El Paso.

· A young student had been travelling with her parents around the
country following the harvests, and was unable to find a place to study
for her GED and complete it. She enrolled in our program (in Spanish)
and her parents decided to stay in El Paso so that she could earn her
GED certificate, which she did within three months. 

· A student who worked in the fields with her husband learned about our
GED program through her daughter's elementary school. She enrolled in
our program against her husband's will. Even though she had only gone to
school through the 5th grade she took the GED and obtained 211 points.
While she has not passed all five exams, she is still attending classes.

· An 18-year-old student with two children who was living in the
Shelter for Battered Women earned her GED in our program. Because of a
problem in her eye we referred her to an eye specialist. Unfortunately,
she lost her eyesight in one eye but she continues to attend ESL
classes. She is currently living with her 42-year-old husband who
continues to abuse her. 

· A student had been secretly attending classes since her husband
opposed her going to school. On a Saturday in which she was scheduled to
test for the GED her husband wanted her to go to the fields with him.
She had to tell her husband the truth and he drove her to take the test.
However, he told her that she couldn't study anymore and he hid her car
keys. She is waiting for the results and hoping to have passed since it
will be harder to continue to attend classes. 

· On another site, a student didn't want to got o school, but her
husband forced her. She took her GED test but didn't pass all the exams.
She got a job and quit attending classes. Her husband made her quit her
job to return to school. 

· The communities that are furthest from the City of El Paso lack
social and educational services. When a rural community is located
between two larger communities, people have to go to different
communities for services. They may receive health services from one and
social services from the other. 

· In the rural areas, the public schools lack resources and there is a
lot of abuse towards the children by other children, or by staff. There
are virtually no counselors and there are no systems in place to explore
or address these problems. Parents share their problems in our classes
and learn about how to address issues in our classes. Parents reported
to their HEP teacher about a bully in a school. The teacher advised them
as to how to proceed and the parents met with he principal, who
addressed the problem. 



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