Scientific Name
Rhus glabra

Common Name
Smooth sumac

Hardiness Zones: 3-8
Habit: Deciduous
Growth Rate: Rapid
Site Requirements: Sun to partial shade; tolerates poor dry soil; does not tolerate shade or wet soil
Texture: Medium to coarse
Form: Shrubby; often multistemmed
Height: 9 to 15’
Width: 9 to 15’
Leaf: 12 to 18" alternate, compound medium green leaves; red orange, scarlet, and red velvet fall color
Flower/Fruit: 6 to 10" panicle of greenish white flowers in summer; velvety red fruit in late summer on female plants; persists into winter
Comments: Native; flowers good in dry arrangement; rejuvenate by cutting to the ground every few years; spreads by suckers; not poisonous
Cultivars: --
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Prepared by: Erv Evans, Consumer Horticulturist

Web Design by: Christa Johnson and Heather Monroe

© 2000-2003 NC State University
Images © by Erv Evans