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  CMS Home > Medicare > Hospital Quality Initiatives > Overview


The Hospital Quality Initiative (HQI), like other CMS quality initiatives, consists of many facets. Its goals are to improve the care provided by the nation¡¦s hospitals and to provide quality information to consumers and others. CMS has several efforts in progress to provide hospital quality information to consumers and others and improve the care provided by the nation¡¦s hospitals. These activities build upon previous CMS and QIO efforts on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries and other adults to promote the best medical practices associated with certain clinical conditions. This page links to fact sheets, reports and other documents.

National-level Performance Information for RHQDAPU Clinical Process Measures – 03/09 Hospital Compare Release [PDF 43 KB]

AMI-6 Fact Sheet (12/2008) [PDF 75 KB]

Overview Summary [PDF 33 KB]
Related Links Inside CMS   

Quality Initiatives - General Information

CMS Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs)
Related Links Outside CMS  External Linking Policy
Hospital Compare

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)


Page Last Modified: 10/08/2009 12:59:06 PM
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