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Policy & Memos to States and Regions

  Details for Policies about Verification of Compliance and Setting 3 and 6 month Remedy Effective Dates

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Title Policies about Verification of Compliance and Setting 3 and 6 month Remedy Effective Dates
Memo # 01-10
Posting Date 05/03/2001
Fiscal Year 2001
Summary On September 22, 2000, we released a memo transmitting two enforcement policies, one concerning verification of facility compliance and the other pertaining to setting the effective dates for the mandatory 3- and 6-month remedies. The policy about facility compliance generated much discussion, and, after reconsideration of some of the issues raised, we have revised the guidance which is attached. This guidance is effective with any survey that begins a certification cycle on or after the date of this memorandum and it supersedes the September 22, 2000 memo. We have also attached a Question and Answer document to assist with understanding the revised revisit policy.



Survey and Cert Letter 01-10
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