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Employer Retiree Drug Subsidy


The Retiree Drug Subsidy

The retiree drug subsidy (RDS) is one of several options available under Medicare that enables employers and unions to continue assisting their Medicare eligible retirees in obtaining more generous drug coverage. It is generally considered the easiest and most straightforward of the available options, and can often be implemented with little or no benefit design changes to current coverage. The primary web site for the RDS program, including the online tool for submitting subsidy applications, is hosted by the RDS Center (see link below under "Related Links Outside of CMS").  This page provides links to guidance and application instruction documents relating to the RDS, as well as overview documents.

Guidance Documents:
CMS Retiree Drug Subsidy Guidance: Rebates and Other Price Concessions – 01/12/09 (PDF, 37KB)

How To Extract Certain Medicare Part B Costs From RDS Payment Requests -  7/23/2007 (PDF, 52KB)

CMS Retiree Drug Subsidy Guidance: Qualifying Covered Retirees - 05/30/08 (PDF, 45KB)

CMS Retiree Drug Subsidy Guidance: Transitioning RDS Retirees to a Group Health Plan that uses a VEBA as a Funding Mechanism - 10/30/08 (PDF, 20KB)

Treatment of Account-Based Health Arrangements under the Medicare Modernization Act 06/15/05 (PDF, 55KB)

CMS Retiree Drug Subsidy Guidance: Actuarial Equivalence Standard - 05/30/08 (PDF, 42KB)

Appendix: Sample Calculation - 04/07/05 (PDF, 11KB)

Actuarial Equivalence Sample Calculation Worksheet - 04/08/05 (Zipped Excel, 68KB)

Overview Documents:
Overview of Retiree Drug Subsidy Option (PDF, 31KB)
Related Links Inside CMS
Creditable Coverage Overview Page

Employer Group Waiver Plans Overview Page

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Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy
RDS Center Website


Page Last Modified: 06/15/2009 11:26:19 AM
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