Protocol Information

David J. Horvath
Nursery Manager
Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Mason State Nursery
17855 N. CR 2400E
Topeka, Illinois 61567

309-535-3286 Fax

Family Scientific Name: Rhamnaceae
Family Common Name: Buckthorn family
Scientific Name: Ceanothus americanus L.
Common Synonym: Ceanothus intermedius Pursh
Common Name: New Jersey Tea
Species Code: CEAAME
Ecotype: Central Illinois, 650 feet msl elevation
General Distribution: C. americanus is found from Quebec to Florida west to Minnesota and south to Texas.
Propagation Goal: Plants
Propagation Method: Seed
Product Type: Bareroot (field grown)
Stock Type: 1+0 container plugs
Time To Grow: 7 Months
Target Specifications: Height: n/a.
Caliper: n/a.
Root System: firm root plug for the greenhouse crop.
Propagule Collection: Source of Propagules: Seed is collected by hand from nursery stock. The plant flowers from approx. June 19 to July 1. Seed is harvested about August 18.
Propagule Processing: After drying, seed is cleaned first by running it dry through the Dybvig. Because of its hard seed coat, it is then run through the Grinder. Always put a test lot through first to ensure seed is not getting damaged. Next, run the seed back through the Dybvig, dry, then through the Huller Scarifier. Take this seed and run it over the Clipper with a top screen of 6 and a bottom screen of 1/21. Once again, run the seed through the Dybvig, then over the Clipper again with a top screen of 6 and a bottom screen of 1/21. Set the Clipper fan on low. Finally, run the seed through the Jessee Aspirator with both vents wide open.

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Pre-Planting Treatments: 8 ounces of seed is saved to sow one bench in either 64 flats of the Multipot #6, or 24 flats of the Multipot #3 or #4.
Seed is damp stratified by mixing it with equal amounts of vermiculite and lightly dampening in a plastic bag or container.
Store this seed for 3-4 months in a cold room of 34-36 degrees F.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:

Propagation Environment: Fully controlled greenhouse
Container Type and Volume: Multipot #3, #4, or #6 are used. Cell volumes are 6 cubic inches, 9 cu. in. and 6 cu. in. respectively.
Growing Media: Sterile, Pro-Mix PGX. Add vermiculite and perlite at a 10:1 ratio. Mix in 5 ounces of Osmocote, slow release fertilizer, 17-6-10, per cubic foot of soil. Ensure flats are tapped down to prevent settling.
Field grown seed is drilled in 3 or 4 foot wide, raised beds, consisting of a sandy loam.
Total Time to Harvest: 7-11 months, depending on weather and plant/root development.
Sowing Date: Three crops are started in the greenhouse with the first in late December and the last no later than the end of March. Field grown crops are sown in the fall.
Sowing/Planting Technique: Sow the seeds by hand by broadcasting. Try to sprinkle 3-5 seeds per cell. Seed purity rates vary from year to year. Thus, it is easier to thin than to transplant. Cover the seeds to one times their depth with the same growing media. Use a dibble board or roller to gently press seed and cover soil in the cell.
Establishment Phase: Set the greenhouse temperatures to be 70-80 degrees during the day, and 65-75 degrees at night.
75% germination is reached in about one week.
Plants must be watered by hand during germination. Set the hose on gentle shower to prevent seeds from splashing out.
Active Growth Phase: Once germination is successful, the greenhouse temperature may be turned down gradually depending on outside temperatures. Plants are irrigated in the morning by soaking for 20 to 30 minutes. This allows the foliage to dry out during the day. Once true leaves appear, not cotyledons, the plants may be fertilized. Start with 50 ppm of Rapid Grow or Peter's Liquid Fertilizer once a week. This rate is increased to 200 ppm gradually, and, again, decreased to 50 ppm before moving the plants outside to the shadehouse. It is important to rinse fertilizer residue off the foliage by running the irrigation for 30 seconds. Plants should be thinned to 2 plants per cell. This should be accomplished before the roots are too extensive. Weed the flats when they are being thinned. When foliage reaches 8 to 10 inches, the plants need to be pruned back to 3 or 4 inches. This is accomplished by turning the flats on their sides and cutting with scissors or sheers. Make sure the clippings are all removed from the flats to prevent disease spread.
Length of Active Growth Phase: 8 months
Hardening Phase: The first greenhouse crop will be moved to a hoop house in late January to February. To acclimate the plants, the irrigation rate is reduced to 50 ppm before moving and greenhouse temperatures are decreased to 55-60 degrees day. The second and third crops are moved directly to the shadehouse in April and May. Again, greenhouse controls and fertilization rates are adjusted in preparation for the move. Plants that reach 8-10 inches in the shadehouse will require pruning also.
Harvest Date: Flats may be unplugged in October or November as long as most of the tops have died down.
Length of Hardening Phase: 1 month
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: Harvest Date: Flats may be unplugged in October or November as long as most of the tops have died down.
Storage Conditions: Plugs that are not shipped during this fall's planting season may be stored for spring planting in cold rooms above freezing, preferably 40-50 degrees. Try to remove most of the dead foliage as you can before bagging the root plugs for storage. Store them in plastic bags to ensure the roots do not dry out. Storage Duration: Approximately 4 to 6 months. Plugs may be shipped at any time as long as the receiver has cold storage.
Length of Storage: 4 to 6 months
Outplanting performance on typical sites: Outplanting Site: Illinois prairie sites to include State Parks, highway roadsides, and limited private lands. Prefers dry prairies.
Outplanting Date: September to November or April to May

Horvath, David J.; Blessman, Gary; Flood, Roberta Mountz. 2001. Propagation protocol for production of field-grown Ceanothus americanus L. plants (1+0 container plugs); Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Mason State Nursery, Topeka, Illinois. In: Native Plant Network. URL: (accessed 16 January 2009). Moscow (ID): University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery.


Protocol Information

David J. Horvath
Nursery Manager
Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Mason State Nursery
17855 N. CR 2400E
Topeka, Illinois 61567

309-535-3286 Fax

Family Scientific Name: Rhamnaceae
Family Common Name: Buckthorn Family
Scientific Name: Ceanothus americanus L.
Common Synonym: Ceanothus intermedius Pursh
Common Name: New Jersey Tea
Species Code: CEAAME
Ecotype: Illinios
General Distribution: C. americanus is found from Quebec to Florida west to Minnesota and south to Texas.
Propagation Goal: Plants
Propagation Method: Seed
Product Type: Bareroot (field grown)
Stock Type: Bareroot seedlings
Target Specifications: Height: N/A
Caliper: N/A
Root System: Well developed root system for field grown plants.
Propagule Collection: Source of Propagules: Seed is collected by hand from nursery stock. The plant flowers from approx. June 19 to July 1. Seed is harvested about August 18.
Propagule Processing: After drying, seed is cleaned first by running it dry through the Dybvig. Because of its hard seed coat, it is then run through the Grinder. Always put a test lot through first to ensure seed is not getting damaged. Next, run the seed back through the Dybvig, dry, then through the Huller Scarifier. Take this seed and run it over the Clipper with a top screen of 6 and a bottom screen of 1/21. Once again, run the seed through the Dybvig, then over the Clipper again with a top screen of 6 and a bottom screen of 1/21. Set the Clipper fan on low. Finally, run the seed through the Jessee Aspirator with both vents wide open.

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Pre-Planting Treatments: Field seed is planted in the fall, therefore, is not put into cold storage. If unable to plant in the fall due to weather, store the seed dry in cold storage at 34-36 degrees F.
Field seed is not damp stratified due to clumping during the drilling process.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:

Field grown crops take 10 - 12 months from time of sowing. This figure is increased to 18 months for field grown plants shipped in the Spring.
Establishment Phase: Field grown seed is drilled in 3 or 4 foot wide, raised beds, consisting of a sandy loam. Field grown seed is drilled with the Love Seeder at a rate of 0.8 ounces per 45 linear feet. Adjust the drill heights so that the seed is covered only 1 times its depth. The beds should be hydroseeded with a cool-season, annual grass to protect seed over the winter months.
Active Growth Phase: Field grown plants are topdressed twice, once in May and once in June with 13-13-13 at a rate of 200 lbs. Per acre. The fertilizer is irrigated in after application. Irrigation is run once or twice a week, depending on weather, and run for one to two hours.
Hardening Phase: For field grown plants, reduce irrigation to slow the vegetative growth down in the fall.
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: Field grown plants are lifted in late September to early November and again in the Spring if need be. The top growth should be mostly died down. Once this occurs, it is helpful to mow the tops to a more manageable size. This aids in the lifting process. Plants are undercut at 7-12 inches prior to lifting. While culling and grading is performed, the roots should be misted occasionally.
Storage Conditions: Plugs that are not shipped during this fall's planting season may be stored for spring planting in cold rooms above freezing, preferably 40-50 degrees. Try to remove most of the dead foliage as you can before bagging the root plugs for storage. Store them in plastic bags to ensure the roots do not dry out. Depending on weather conditions, field grown plants may be lifted and shipped in the fall. However, time and labor may require spring shipment.
Field grown stock is also stored in cool, dry storage, above freezing. Again, remove dead vegetation in the culling process, and place the plants in plastic-lined bags. Do not allow root systems to dry out.
Storage Duration: Approximately 4 to 6 months. Field grown bareroot plants may be shipped at any time as long as the receiver has cold storage.
Length of Storage: 4 to 6 months
Outplanting performance on typical sites: Outplanting Site: Illinois prairie sites to include State Parks, highway roadsides, and limited private lands. Prefers moist or dry prairies.
Outplanting Date: September to November or April to May

Flood, Roberta Mountz; Horvath, David J.; Blessman, Gary. 2001. Propagation protocol for production of field-grown Ceanothus americanus L. plants (Bareroot seedlings); Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Mason State Nursery, Topeka, Illinois. In: Native Plant Network. URL: (accessed 16 January 2009). Moscow (ID): University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery.