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You are here: Home / PLANTS Profile for Iris douglasiana / Profile Genera Results Printer-Friendly Printer-Friendly / Download

Genera for Family = Iridaceae
29 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name
ACIDA Acidanthera Hochst. acidanthera
ALOPH Alophia Herbert alophia
ARIST3 Aristea Aiton aristea
BELAM Belamcanda Adans. belamcanda
CALYD Calydorea Herbert violet-lily
CHASM2 Chasmanthe N.E. Br. African cornflag
CROCO Crocosmia Planch. crocosmia
CROCU Crocus L. crocus
DIETE Dietes Salisb. ex Klatt dietes
ELEUT Eleutherine Herbert eleutherine
FREES Freesia Eckl. ex Klatt freesia
GLADI Gladiolus L. gladiolus
HERBE Herbertia Sweet herbertia
HOMER Homeria Vent. Cape tulip
IRIS Iris L. iris
IXIA Ixia L. African cornlily
LIBER Libertia Spreng. libertia
MORAE Moraea Mill.
NEMAS Nemastylis Nutt. pleatleaf
NEOMA Neomarica Sprague neomarica
OLSYN Olsynium Raf. grasswidow
PARDA Pardanthopsis (Hance) Lenz
ROMUL Romulea Maratti romulea
SCHIZ10 Schizostylis Backh. & Harv. Kaffir lily
SISYR Sisyrinchium L. blue-eyed grass
SPARA2 Sparaxis Ker Gawl. wandflower
TIGRI Tigridia Juss. peacock flower
TRIME Trimezia Salisb. ex Herbert trimezia
WATSO Watsonia Mill. bugle-lily


Time Generated: 09/01/2009 09:54 PM MDT