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Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Date of Information: 3/27/2009

On 17 March 2009, democratically elected President Marc Ravalomanana resigned and handed the reins of the government over to the military. The military in turn conferred the presidency on opposition leader Andry Rajoelina, who will head the High Transition Authority.
Prime Min. Charles RABEMANANJARA, Gen.
Min. of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry  
Min. of Civil Service, Labor, & Social Laws Jacky Mahafaly TSIANDOPY
Min. of Commerce & Consumer Affairs Alphonse RALISON
Min. of Decentralization & Territorial Admin. Yvan ANDRIANASANDRATRINIONY
Min. of Defense  
Min. of Economy, Commerce, Planning, & Private Sector Ivohasina RAZAFIMAHEFA
Min. of Energy & Mining Elise RAZAKA
Min. of Environment, Water, Forest, & Tourism  
Min. of Finance & Budget Haja Nirina RAZAFINJATOVO
Min. of Foreign Affairs Marcel RANJEVA, Gen.
Min. of Health & Family Planning  
Min. of Higher Education Jean Theodore RANJIVASON
Min. of Industry & Handicrafts Mejamirado RAZAFIMIHARY
Min. of Interior Charles RABEMANANJARA, Gen.
Min. of Justice Christine RAZANAMAHASOA
Min. of Labor & Social Affairs  
Min. of National Education & Scientific Research Benjamin Radavidson ANDRIAMPARANY
Min. of Population Jacob Felicien ANDRIAMPANJAVA
Min. of Public Works & Meteorology Rolland RANDRIAMAMPIONONA
Min. of Scientific Research Alidina EDOUARD
Min. of Sports, Culture, & Hobbies Patrick RAMIARAMANA
Min. of Technical & Professional Education Zoana BLAISE
Min. of Telecommunications, Post, & Communications Bruno Ramaroson ANDRIATAVISON
Min. of Transportation Julien Laporte RAVELONARIVO
Min. of Urban & Regional Planning Julien REBOZA
Sec. of State for Decentralization ENIAVOSOA
Sec. of State for Fisheries & Ocean Resources Rarison Ramaroson HIPPOLYTE, RAdm.
Sec. of State for Foreign Trade Henri RAKOTONIRAINY
Sec. of State for Public Security & National Police Desire RASOLOFOMANANA
Governor, Central Bank Gaston RAVELOJAONA
Ambassador to the US Jocelyn Bertin RADIFERA
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Zina ANDRIANARIVELO Razafy

Posted: May 03, 2007 11:31 AM
Last Updated: Apr 01, 2009 12:01 PM
Last Reviewed: May 03, 2007 11:31 AM

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