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Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit & Ryan White Grantees


The Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) (Part D) gives prescription drug coverage to roughly 42 million Medicare beneficiaries, including an estimated 100,000 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH/A) who are receiving Medicare benefits. PLWH/A on Medicare qualify primarily due to their disability status in terms of being on Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) for 2+ years. The majority of Medicare eligible PLWH/A, about 70% (60,000 to 70,000 people), also qualify for Medicaid (i.e., termed dually eligible) and are automatically enrolled in Part D.

Additionally, many PLWH on Medicare will qualify for what are called “low-income subsidies” to help pay for the Medicare benefit. These individuals will likely turn to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs for guidance.

Training Presentations & Talking Points
Use these slides, which include talking points, for training on the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit and its implications for Ryan White CARE Act grantees. 
More Information

Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services Links


Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage General Information

Medicare Prescription Drug Benefits FAQs - the Official U.S. Government site for People with Medicare

Letters from HRSA

December 8, 2006 Letter to Grantees