September 24, 2008

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A&T Message

from Dr. Finley

A&T Web Site Wins Silver Inkwell Award

In my last message, I spoke of the importance of the A&T Web site to one of A&T's core priorities: broadening communication. Since its launch, the Web site has been at the forefront of carrying A&T messages, news of accomplishments and information about key initiatives to users around the world.

I am proud to announce that it is not just the A&T community recognizing the excellence of this key communications effort. We were notified this week that the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Washington Chapter has awarded the site a Silver Inkwell award. This prestigious award is an acknowledgment that communicators in business, government, military and non-profit communication (IABC members who make up the diverse jury pool) find the A&T site to be memorable and, more importantly, effective. This win recognizes the outstanding design, navigation, writing and rich features of the A&T site. Congratulations to the talented team who puts together and maintains the A&T site, and to Ms. Denise Hansen, who coordinates the entire effort on behalf of my office.

Recently, members of our organization were asked to address the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) at the Robotics Quarterly Meeting. Ms. Linda Oliver from the Office of Small Business Programs spoke to NDIA members, a majority of which are employees of businesses that contract with the DoD, about small business size standards as they relate to aspects of the DoD Small Business and Innovative Research Program and the Mentor Protégé program. These two programs are at the heart of our ever expanding small business focus. Also in attendance was Dr. Jacque Gansler who briefed the commission report and Ms. Ellen Purdy, Director, Enterprise Director, Joint Ground Robotics, Office of the Secretary of Defense. Ms. Purdy provided an update on the robotics technology consortium and current DoD Robotics activities.

In transitions for the week, UK Liaison CDR Andrew Ewan, Royal Navy, will be replacing CDR Graham Archer in the department of Joint Advanced Concepts (JAC). While we will miss CDR Archer, we look forward to the arrival of CDR Ewan and the skills he will bring to this organization.

Page Last Upated: October 31, 2008