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Division of Cancer
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Grantee Program Highlights

The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) has experienced screening successes nationally through the 68 funded programs across the country. Here are some examples:

Alaska: Combined Leadership
Five programs in Alaska are funded by the NBCCEDP. In 2001, two of the programs drafted a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which outlined the basic operating principles where potential program overlap existed. By 2003, all of Alaska's five NBCCEDP grantees agreed to a new, comprehensive MOA, creating the Alaska Breast and Cervical Health Partnership. The Health Partnership began collaborating on many NBCCEDP components—recruitment, professional development, surveillance and evaluation, screening and diagnostic services, and quality assurance and improvement. Through annual meetings, ongoing communication, and consistent collaborative efforts, the Health Partnership has completed the following major projects:

  • Development, production, and statewide distribution of new breast cancer screening guidelines.

  • Coordination of professional, statewide education opportunities for clinicians that would not be available otherwise.

  • Development, production, and statewide distribution of joint, consistent public education messages.

  • Eliminating duplication and collaborating to maximize strengths has facilitated enhancement of individual programs and resulted in an integrated statewide infrastructure for training providers and conducting outreach, education, screening, and diagnosis for underserved Alaskan women of all races and ethnicities.

Florida: Building a Strong Referral Network
The Florida Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (FBCCEDP), Believe in Miracles, covers 11 rural counties in northeast Florida. The local program has developed an extensive network of providers that coordinates services through 10 county health departments, 8 federally funded health centers, 2 hospitals, and 10 mammography sites.

Believe in Miracles also has developed mutually beneficial relationships with partners such as the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the University of Florida. They also started a Cancer Connections information group that meets monthly to share information and resources and collaborate on grant projects. The group includes medical providers, social workers, and university staff, as well as ACS staff. Believe in Miracles staff members also serve on the advisory board for a University of Florida project funded by Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Additionally, the program has partnered with hospitals and has sponsored automatic charity eligibility for clients if their Medicaid treatment funds are not approved, opening another avenue for continuity of services. The relationships that Believe in Miracles' staff have developed within the health care community have facilitated—through the provision of such services as transportation, prompt registration into other need-based programs, and quick referrals—screening services that NBCCEDP supports.

New Jersey: Strength of Coalitions
Several programs have benefited from becoming involved in local coalitions. In New Jersey, the Statewide Cancer Coalition, initiated in 1994, has been instrumental in advocating for increased funding. The Coalition has brought together organizations and individuals with an interest in cancer control issues. The Coalition includes varied cultural and ethnic representation and membership is comprised of grass roots, civic, minority, community-based, and faith-based organizations; cancer service providers; other health care providers; consumers; survivors; pharmaceutical corporations; insurance corporations; and national and local cancer organizations. Since 2000, with the help of coalition partners and the hard work of screening programs, state funding doubled, enabling screening for twice as many women.

South Dakota: Working Together for Greater Success
In South Dakota, two NBCCEDP-funded programs are working together to serve better the women in their area. Collaboration between the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Project and the state's All Women Count! program continues to grow, through recognition and appreciation of the distinct contributions from which both programs can benefit. This relationship took time to evolve, but as the staff from each program got to know each other they identified opportunities to assist, collaborate, and create economies of scale in screening women for breast and cervical cancer.

The programs hold joint meetings, provide technical assistance between programs, participate on coalitions, communicate regularly about their programs, and are beginning to share resources for projects that benefit all of the women they serve. The state program serves as the portal for access to Medicaid through the Medicaid Treatment Act for women in both programs, while the tribal program helps resolve issues that affect the Native American women in the state program. They are also moving forward on efforts to develop health messages for American Indian women, with resulting materials to be used by both programs. Women throughout the state have benefited from this collaboration.

Washington: Maintaining Access
The Washington program's Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) has helped to ensure access to screening and diagnostic services for women. When a local radiology practice recently refused to perform stereotactic breast biopsies due to low reimbursement rates, women from five counties had to travel as far as 100 miles to access these services. The MAC intervened with persuasive letters to the radiology practice, resulting in the restoration of services for women living in the five-county area.

Page last reviewed: March 23, 2009
Page last updated: March 23, 2009
Content source: Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
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