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[Assessment 1808] Register now! COABE preconference--Integrating Career Awareness into the ABE and ESOL Classroom

Kaye Beall

kbeall at
Fri Mar 6 09:55:08 EST 2009

There is still time to register! Don't miss this COABE preconference
session. The COABE Conference is April 18-22, 2009, in Louisville, KY.

Conference Registration:

Conference Information:

Title: Integrating Career Awareness into the ABE and ESOL Classroom

Description: Learn about a career planning process that will motivate
students and provide them with the tools to reach their career and
educational goals. Participants will receive a new Integrating Career
Awareness Curriculum (ICA) developed for ABE, ESOL and college transition
programs. They will explore a variety of lessons and discuss ways to modify
them for

their own classrooms. Lesson topics include: occupational exploration,
career planning, identifying transferable skills and values, informational
interviewing, how to be a good consumer of education.

Presenters: Sandy Goodman, Director of the New England College Transition

Carol Bower and Martha Oesch, Co-authors of the Integrating Career Awareness
into the ABE/ESOL Classroom Curriculum Guide

Agency/Organization: Co-sponsored by the National Institute for Literacy's
LINCS Regional Resource Center 1 and The National College Transition Network

Date and Times: Saturday, April 18, 8:30 am-3:30 pm

Please send this information on to others who might be interested in
attending this preconference.

Kaye Beall

Project Director

World Education

6760 West Street

Linn Grove, IN 46711


kaye_beall at

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