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[Assessment 1983] WE LEARN - Call for Proposals & Summer Activities

Marie Cora

marie.cora at
Wed Jun 24 13:48:00 EDT 2009


The following opportunity may interest some of you.

Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

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Reflections Wanted
What did you use this past academic year that was useful?

Your responses help to build information sharing among members as well
as inform WE LEARN about materials to research and add to our Resource

Quick Survey...

Newsletter Articles Wanted
Our Fall Newsletter will focus on our members. If you are a member of WE
LEARN and want to write a brief article about your work or have
something to share, please
<mailto:welearn at> send
your writing by September 10, 2009.

Updated WE LEARN Vision & Values Statement

<> Now Available



Summer Reading Suggestions!
The Complete Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi, Pantheon Books, 2004.This
graphic novel tells the memoir of Satrapi's childhood and coming of age
during the 1979 Iranian Revolution and its aftermath.

Grandmothers Counsel the World: Women Elders Offer Their Vision for Our
Planet, Carol Schaefer, Trumpeter Books, 2006. This book presents the
insights and guidance of thirteen indigenous grandmothers from five
continents, many of whom are living legends among their own peoples.

The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir, Kao Kalia Yang, Coffee House
Press, 2008. Yang recounts the harrowing story of her family's captivity
in Laos, and their immigration to America.

Word Warriors: 35 Women Leaders in the Spoken Word Revolution, edited by
Alix Olson & Eve Ensler, Seal Press, 2007. Female spoken word artists
have become the spokeswomen for a new generation. These are women who
verbally challenge society on all fronts.

Call for Proposals

Our Stories, OurSelves:
The EmBODYment of Women's Learning
Mev Miller, Ed.D. & Kathleen P. King, Ed.D., Editors

How do women's bodies matter in adult literacy and basic education? Our
Volume 1 (
<> Empowering Women through Literacy:
Views from Experience) focused on empowering women in the classroom and
primarily addressed intellectual and personal barriers to and growth for
women's literacy learning.

However, we are aware of the many ways in which women's bodies and whole
selves are integral to the womanhood we celebrate, yet are ignored, or
even silenced, in traditional adult ABE, ESOL, and literacy classes.
Even when we do recognize or talk about women's bodies, these
discussions generally focus on sexual violence, childcare/parenting, or
health. Educators and students seek expression as embodied women, but
find these realities difficult to include in current programs and

The editors seek to gather writings about the many dimensions of
womanhood, specifically related to em-body-ment, as they are experienced
in literacy and basic/developmental educational settings. We encourage a
variety of genres including stories, creative writing, poetry, articles,
drawings, and research.

<> More details

Proposal Deadline:
September 30, 2009


Summer is a time for relaxing...
AND for doing things you
usually don't have time to do....

Have you wanted to get more involved with WE LEARN?
Now is the time....
Membership Committee forming....
Are you a people person who likes to make new connections? Or match
people to others and/or to meaningful activities? Or advocate for an
women's literacy issues by involving others? Then, we want your energy
and creativity! Please join the membership committee....

In order to make WE LEARN a stronger and more interactive community, we
are developing a membership committee (a friend-raising network) to
better welcome and support the involvement of our members. We encourage
members to participate as little or as much as you can.

Contact Mev
<mailto:welearn at>
Miller or Stacie
<mailto:sevans at
tee> Evans

WE LEARN is a community promoting women's literacy as a tool that
fosters empowerment and equity for women. WE LEARN involves a network of
members creating an organization to suit our needs for women's literacy.


Want to make a more short-term commitment???

These committees could also use volunteers:
* 2010 Conference Planning Committee
* 2010 Women's Perspectives Selection Committee
Students and/or Student-Teacher-Mentor Teams are strongly encouraged to
participate in all WE LEARN activities & committees.

Contact Mev
<mailto:welearn at>

Save the date
7th Annual WE LEARN (Net)Working Gathering on Women
<> & Literacy
March 4-6, 2010
University of Rhode Island, Providence Campus
Providence, RI

Update the WE LEARN Website!
We plan to radically revise our website and launch a "new look" for
International Literacy Day by September 8, 2009.

Expertise Needed
We need experienced volunteer designers who can help us with CSS
styles, interactive pages, search engines & updatable calendars,
graphics, etc.

Enthusiasm needed too!
Don't have tech expertise but want to help with content for the website?
We also need volunteers who can check links, research new resources,
write brief reviews, etc.

More Summer Reading Suggestions - WE LEARN Publications


<> Empowering Women Through
Views from Experience
Mev Miller & Kathleen P. King, editors


<> Women's Perspectives #4:
Transition / Transformation
A Journal of Writing by Adult Learners


We Learn 182 Riverside Ave. | Cranston, RI 02910 US

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