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[Assessment 1959] Re: DIBELS

Jean Marrapodi

jmarrapodi at
Sun May 31 17:18:52 EDT 2009


I think you raise the key point here when you said

“It is scored and returned-- with a diagnostic of strengths and weaknesses -- and be able to sit down with a teacher and set goals -- on the same day. The same day feedback and discussion -- is huge -- no matter what the assessment is. “

The key is the diagnostic element of using the test for more than a number for placement. Too often the TABE and the CASAS become a number that is used to pinpoint the NRS level and a score for comparison at the next testing period. When that happens, the tests have little value. Adult students and their teacher/tutors have a joint responsibility in the learning process, and their dual enlightenment of specific strengths and weaknesses is key to helping them over the next hurdle.

Jean Marrapodi

From: assessment-bounces at [mailto:assessment-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gail B
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 5:02 PM
To: The Assessment Discussion List
Subject: [Assessment 1955] Re: DIBELS

Thank you Forrest for your reality check and reminder of the actual resource issues that adult ed programs face

Yes it would be great if there was a magic assessment -- yet for many of ABE students -- TABE, itself, can be illuminating -- we have found in a small program that students are surprised to take an assessment, have it scored and returned -- with a diagnostic of strengths and weaknesses -- and be able to sit down with a teacher and set goals -- on the same day. The same day feedback and discussion -- is huge -- no matter what the assessment is.

That is a far cry from the high stakes testing in the public schools -- which have both baffled and demoralized them - where the results don't come back until months after the test was taken -- -- and the results rarely come to the student with strategies for improvement -- I think that increased development effort on making it easier and faster for teachers / literacy to apply existing assessments - is part of the improvement puzzle.

Gail Bundy
Board Member
Native American Multi-Cultural Education School
Denver, CO

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