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[Assessment 1848] Favorite Informal Reading Inventory Instruments?

Jean Marrapodi

jmarrapodi at
Fri May 1 02:12:25 EDT 2009

I figured since there had been so much conversation around my conversation
with George, I'd better join the list again officially. Thanks for all the
comments on the diagnostic instruments following up on George's posting.
I've caught up on the reading and see a lot of instruments that have been
around forever are still out there. I am not looking for placement. I'm
looking to identify issues in the students through these informal reading
inventories and the other diagnostics you've discussed. I will be teaching
the teachers how to do miscue analysis through the use of IRIs and want to
know about the ones you are using.

I see mention of some Informal Reading Inventory/Assessments/Instruments,
as Barbara mentioned the QRI-4 and someone else mentioned the Bader. I've
got Fry's and a few others that were intended for children (alas, so much
out there for reading is!). I like that many of these include sometimes some
diagnostics for phonics and other word attack skills. I reviewed one that
was created in a center using adult learners' actual stories. They had an
interesting method of asking the student to pick out the ones they could
read and answer the questions on cards. I'm crowdsourcing to see if there
are gems out there I don't know about. Do you have a favorite you use and
you have found works well with adults? I'd love to know about it.


Jean Marrapodi, PhD, CPLP

Teacher by training, learner by design

<mailto:jmarrapodi at> jmarrapodi at


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