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[Assessment 1818] LD Discussion List Guest Speaker Scheduled April 6-8, 2009

RKenyon721 at

RKenyon721 at
Tue Mar 24 14:11:35 EDT 2009


I am very pleased to announce the next guest discussion to be held on the
Learning Disabilities Discussion List. Pertinent information follows:

Guest Speaker Topic:
Emotional, Occupational, and Self-Esteem Issues in Adults with Learning
Discussion Dates: April 6, 7, and 8, 2009
Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary S. Kelly
Dr. Mary S. Kelly is the Director of the Fisher Landau Center for the
Treatment of Learning Disabilities and its Adult Literacy Program. She is an
associate professor of clinical pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine. After graduating from Boston College, she worked as a special education
teacher. She then went on to earn her M.A. in Remedial Reading and her
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. She has
taught courses in reading, learning disabilities, and psychology at the
graduate and undergraduate levels. She has worked with adults with learning
disabilities at the Fisher Landau Center since 1994 and has directed the program
since 2002.
Tentative Agenda:
1. Resources to Preview Before Discussion has a wealth of information directed to adults with LD - At college and work - Adults with LD - LD on the Job – LD & Relationships
Reading: Barton, R.S. & Fuhrmann, B.S. (1994). Counseling and psychotherapy
for adults with learning disabilities. In P.J. Gerber & H.B. Reiff (eds).
Learning disabilities in adulthood. (pp. 82-92). Boston: Andover Medical
2. Questions from Subscribers
3. Welcome, Self-Introduction, and Invitation to Ask Questions and Comment
4. Goals for the Discussion:
o To foster an understanding of the learning and psychological needs of
low-literacy LD adults and how they affect vocational attainment
o To examine external and internal obstacles to employment for
low-literacy LD adults
o To examine potential interventions for improving self-esteem
5. Hank and Max: Two low-literacy men with learning disabilities (LD)
What impact has their LD had on their self-esteem and ability to work?
What can we learn from their experiences?
What would you do to help them?
6. Self-esteem and Learning: A reciprocal relationship
The experiences of the Adult Literacy Program at Fisher Landau
7. Obstacles to Employment (they’re not just from the outside)
What do we know about the employment needs of low-literacy LD adults?
Where is the research?
8. Outcomes: What happened to Hank and Max?
Is learning to read a panacea?
9. Additional Resources/Websites

Please forward this announcement to colleagues that might be interested in
this important topic. In order to benefit from the discussion, people must
be subscribed to this List. To subscribe, one must go to:


I am very excited about having Dr. Mary Kelly sharing her valuable and
extensive experience with us.

Thanks very much,

Rochelle Kenyon

Rochelle Kenyon, Ed.D.
National Institute for Literacy/LINCS Online
Learning Disabilities Discussion List
Center for Literacy Studies at the University of
_RKenyon721 at aol.com_ (

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