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[Assessment 1557] Transitions Discussion begins today!

Marie Cora

marie.cora at
Mon Feb 2 09:52:17 EST 2009

Good morning, afternoon and evening to you all.

Today begins our week-long discussion on Transitions in Adult Education.

For full information on this discussion, go to:

I have some questions for subscribers:

1. What seem to pose the biggest obstacles for your program when trying
to successfully transition adult students from one education level to
another, or from education to the workforce? What does your program try
to do about this?

2. What resources have you found helpful when trying to successfully
transition a student? How have they been helpful?

3. Please comment on the Introduction and/or Recommended Preparations
for this Discussion, found at the announcement URL above.

Please post your questions and share your experiences now.


Marie Cora
Assessment Discussion List Moderator

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