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[Assessment 1546] Discussion on Managing Programs- on adult ELL list Jan. 12-16

Miriam Burt

mburt at
Wed Jan 7 15:32:40 EST 2009

Hello, all.

There will be a focused discussion on the electronic list for
those working with adult English language learners next week, January
12- 16. It might be of interest to some of you on the assessment list.

The topic is Managing Programs for Adult English Language

Some of you work with learners whose native language is not
English. Many practitioners become program managers -- either instead of
or in addition to being teachers -- to be able to work full-time in a
field that is so rewarding or to expand the scope of work so as to have
a greater impact on more learners. Certainly, selecting and implementing
learner asessment and other related assesment issues are under the
purview of the program manager.

Three current or recent managers - all former adult ESL teachers
- will address successes and challenges in moving from the classroom to
the manager's office.

MaryAnn Florez of Washington, DC; Donna Kinerney of Montgomery
County, Maryland; and Brigitte Marshall of Oakland, California, will be
guest facilitators.

* They will describe their path from teaching to managing
* They will answer questions from participants on skills,
experience, and training needed for those managing programs serving
adult English language learners
* They will share successes and challenges with you
* They will answer questions you might have about rewards
and headaches in managing programs for adult English language learners,
as compared to teaching in these programs


For more information, including bios of the guests, see the full
announcement at

For those of you not already on the adult English language
learners discussion list, here's the link to join:

Hope you can participate with us there next week.
Miriam Burt, Moderator, Adult English Language Learners
discussion list
mburt at

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