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September 07, 2005
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Participates in First-Annual Recording Arts Day on Capitol Hill

Whip Will Receive Award for Role in Advocating for Artists’ Rights

WASHINGTON, DC – Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) will receive an award today at the Recording Academy’s® 5th annual GRAMMYs® on the Hill event for his longtime work defending and advocating artists’ rights.  The GRAMMYs on the Hill event will occur as part of the first-ever Recording Arts Day on Capitol Hill. 

“I am pleased to be a part of the first-ever Recording Arts Day on Capitol Hill and to receive an award from the Grammy Foundation,” said Hoyer. 

“The artists gathered here today as a part of Recording Arts Day will meet with both Members of Congress and students to convey the value of hard work, mentors and funding music and arts education,” added Hoyer.  “This newly inaugurated annual event gives lawmakers the opportunity to learn directly about the music industry and its importance to our culture and economy.  I look forward to participating in this event in the years to come, as well as continuing my work to promote artists’ rights and work.”

Recording Arts Day is the result of a partnership by the Recording Arts and Sciences Congressional Caucus (RASCC), of which Hoyer is co-chair, the Recording Academy, and several music industry groups and associations.  The Day will be devoted to informing Members of Congress of the important role the recording arts play in the nation’s culture and economy.

Hoyer will also attend on Wednesday an event sponsored by RASCC and the Grammy Foundation, “The Power of Music”, featuring three-time GRAMMY winner Gloria Estefan.  At the event, Estefan will work with young musicians and will hold a “jam” session with artists and several Members of Congress. 

In addition to being co-chair of RASCC, Hoyer was a leader in the passage of the Sound Recording Preservation Act, which established the first nationwide effort to preserve American sound recordings and created the National Recording Registry in the Library of Congress to aid in the effort.
