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Data Sets Relating to Diviner

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for illustrative purposes. This set provides stereoscopic content (Left and Right Eye separate) of the visualization.<p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href=''>here</a>.">   3587   LRO Scouts for Safe Landing Sites - Stereoscopic Version This set provides stereoscopic images (Left and Right Eye separate) of the visualization. The raw frames provided here have alpha channels and no text labels, so this element can be overlaid over other visuals.   3567   How LRO Will Find Safe Landing Sites on the Moon - Stereoscopic Version The crater depicted in this animation is ficticious and only intended for illustrative purposes. The animation begins with the reveal of a digital elevation map showing sample lunar topography illustrating the kind of data that LRO's LOLA instrument will collect. From this topographic data level surface areas can be derived as the first step to determining safe landing sites. Next, an example temperature map of the lunar surface is revealed to show the sort of data Diviner will collect. Changes in surface temperature will help determine small rock hazards, since they retain and release heat at a different rate than the surrounding regolith. Large rock hazards can be found with LROC's surface imagery. Finally, removing rock hazard areas from level surface areas reveals potential safe landing sites for future lunar missions.   3533   How LRO Will Find Safe Landing Sites on the Moon (No Narration) logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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