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Tom Bridgman

Movie   ID   Roles   Title
This movie shows the orbits of the fleet of NASA spacecraft exploring the heliosphere.<p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href=   3595 Animator
  Sentinels of the Heliosphere
This sample composite combines all the animation elements listed below to visually tell the story of permanent shadows on the Moon.  The aquamarine areas highlight the permanently shadowed regions.   3577 Support
  Permanent Shadows on the Moon
MMS dayside magnetosheath/magnetopuase orbit configuration   3605 Animator
  Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) Dayside Orbit Animation for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
MMS Nightside orbit animation   3606 Animator
  Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) Nightside Orbit Animation for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
The camera transitions to a coordinate system moving with the Earth, keeping the Earth stationary in the field of view while the rest of the solar system spins around it.   3591 Animator
  STEREO Visits the Lagrange Points - L4 and L5
Designed exclusively for playback on spherical projections surfaces, FROZEN introduces mainstream audiences to the cryosphere--places on Earth where the temperatures don't rise above water's freezing point. The following trailer showcases some of the visual themes contained in the movie and points to the film's main website.<p><p>This film has been prepared exclusively for playback on spherical projections systems. It will not appear in its proper format on a traditional computer or television screen. If you are interested in dowloading the complete final movie file for spherical playback, please visit : <p><a href=   10403 Animator
  FROZEN: A Spherical Movie About the Cryosphere
This movie is a sample tour of the skymap. It starts looking at the North Celestial Pole (the Little Dipper is visible). We then make short trips to the Big Dipper, the Summer Triangle (Cygnus, Lyra, and Aquila), the Orion and Taurus region, southward to Canis Major, and over to Scorpius and Saggitarius. The movie ends pointed at the South Celestial Pole (the Southern Cross is visible to the right).   3572 Animator
  The Tycho Catalog Skymap - Version 2.0
This movie shows the orbits of the fleet of NASA spacecraft exploring the heliosphere.   3570 Animator
  NASA's Heliophysics Observatories Study the Sun and Geospace
The movie zooms up to the Earth from the direction of the magnetotail to view the orbits of the THEMIS satellites in their dayside orbital configuration.   3569 Animator
  THEMIS Dayside Science - Sampling the Bow Shock
The movie with six synchronized datasets.   3566 Animator
  Multi-Sun Composition
This movie starts with a view of the Sun with sunspots changing as part of the solar cycle.  The surface opens to reveal the interior flows of plasma.   3496 Animator
  The Solar Dynamo: Plasma Flows
This movie starts with a view of the Sun with sunspots changing as part of the solar cycle. The surface opens to reveal the interior magnetic field structure.   3521 Animator
  The Solar Dynamo: Toroidal and Poloidal Magnetic Fields
This movie starts with a view of the Sun with sunspots changing as part of the solar cycle. The surface opens to reveal the interior magnetic field structure.   3583 Animator
  The Solar Dynamo: Toroidal and Radial Magnetic Fields
NASA's Heliophysics Fleet, around December 2006   3495 Animator
  Heliophysics Great Observatory (Phase-1)
This is a short movie of the Sun in ultraviolet light at solar minimum.   3548 Animator
  Comparison: Solar Minimum from SOHO/EIT
A short movie of the Sun around the time of maximum solar activity.   3549 Animator
  Comparison: Solar Maximum from SOHO/EIT
This image shows the 3 regions in North Africa: The Sahara, the Sahel, and the Sudan. The Sahel, a word derived from the Arabic ’sahil’ meaning shore, is a semi-arid belt of barren, sandy and rock-strewn land which stretches 3,860km across the breadth of the African continent and marks the physical and cultural divide between the continent’s more fertile south (the Sudan Region) and Saharan desert north.   3539 Animator
  Blue Marble Next Generation Images from Terra/MODIS
A synchronous play of SOHO/EIT (left) and TRACE (right) imagery from the 2003 Halloween Solar Storms.   3535 Animator
  Halloween Storms 2003: SOHO/EIT and TRACE at 195 Ångstroms
This movie displays nearly two weeks of EIT 195 Ångstrom data from around Halloween, 2003.   3500 Animator
  Halloween 2003 Solar Storms: SOHO/EIT Ultraviolet, 195 Å
The camera pulls out further, to observe the full IBEX orbit.   3514 Animator
  IBEX Orbit Visualization
Further evolution of the substorm.   3512 Animator
This movie zooms in on the Earth, revealing the placement of the ASI ground stations and their sky coverage. We observe the stations coming online as the night progresses.   3590 Animator
  THEMIS/ASI Nights - High Resolution
Near the peak of the event, it has moved over Alaska.   3513 Animator
  Auroral Substorm from Polar
This movie displays nearly two weeks of EIT 304 Ångstrom data from around Halloween 2003.   3501 Animator
  Halloween 2003 Solar Storms: SOHO/EIT Ultraviolet, 304 Å
This movie displays nearly two weeks of MDI continuum data from around Halloween 2003.   3502 Animator
  Halloween 2003 Solar Storms: SOHO/MDI Continuum
This movie displays nearly two weeks of MDI magnetogram data from around Halloween 2003.   3503 Animator
  Halloween 2003 Solar Storms: SOHO/MDI Magnetograms
This movie plays nearly two weeks of SOHO/EIT and SOHO/LASCO imagery from around Halloween 2003.   3504 Animator
  Halloween 2003 Solar Storms: SOHO/EIT and SOHO/LASCO
June 23, 2007   3484 Animator
  The First Season of Noctilucent Clouds from AIM
The substorm begins to subside around 11:30UTC.   3485 Animator
  THEMIS and the March 2007 Substorm
This movie opens with a view of the five THEMIS satellites (the color dots) moving along their orbits.  We then fade in the 2-D data from the Omidi simulation and zoom in to view the turbulence in the region of the bow shock.   3478 Animator
  THEMIS Explores the Earth's Bow Shock
This image shows the minimum sea ice extent that occurred on September 14, 2007.   3456 Animator
  2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Alaska in Foreground
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