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Office of Animal Resources

The Office of Animal Resources (OAR) – part of the Office of Compliance – provides oversight, independently and in conjunction with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), for the humane care and well-being of all vertebrate animals used for research, instruction, production, and demonstration at Auburn University.  The OAR serves as an informational resource to faculty, students and staff regarding institutional policy, regulatory requirements, personnel training and safety issues pertaining to the use of animals. The OAR also serves as liaison between the university and regulatory agencies, and conducts investigation of concerns involving care and use of animals at Auburn University as registered via public complaints and by employees or students. The OAR ensures that adequate veterinary personnel and services are available as needed to all animals on IACUC-approved protocols.  The IACUC inspects all facilities associated with the use of animals in research, teaching, production, and demonstration at the university.

!!! Protocol Reminders for Investigators - August 26, 2008 !!!


Office of Animal Resources
307 Samford Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-5978
Fax: (334) 844-4391
Niki L. Johnson, JD, MBA
Director of Compliance

Natalie Mills
Compliance Specialist

Linda Hodnett
Compliance Coordinator

New ** As an aid for preparation of animal usage protocols, examples of IACUC-approved protocols are now available from the IACUC administrator upon request. See a list of forms available at the OAR forms site.

The animal care and use policy manual, now titled Policies for Care and Use of Live Vertebrate Animals, was revised on April 21, 2005. Interested parties can view the manual on the OAR web pages or request a copy from OAR.

Both the Core Training Manual and the Occupational Health and Safety Booklet were revised in April 2005.

OAR The Office of Animal Resources — staff, location, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses
IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committeeprotocol submission, revision, and annual reporting forms; meeting schedule; reporting animal care and use concerns; policies and procedures; contact IACUC Chair
REGULATIONS Regulations and Regulatory Agencies — direct links to selected federal regulations and regulatory agencies (NIH, USDA, DOJ, FDA)
RESOURCES Resources for Project Participants — alternatives to animal use, analgesics/anesthetics, technical assistance, monoclonal antibody production, frequently asked questions, and more

POLICY Revised 4/21/2005 The OAR Policy Manual.
Complete text of Auburn's approved Animal Welfare Assurance (A3152-01, Expiration 08/31/2010)
OHS Occupational Health and Safety — AU OHSP booklet and forms, species-specific health information, incident/accident reporting, health risk assessment tools
TRAINING Training in the Use, Care, and Handling of Live Vertebrate Animals — core training module/manual and species-specific training programs; recommended reading; LATA training modules; hands-on workshops; aseptic methods and techniques