U.S. Census Bureau

Horizontal Line

Nonemployer Statistics originate from tax return information of the Internal Revenue Service. The data are subject to nonsampling error such as errors of self-classification by industry on tax forms, as well as errors of response, nonreporting and coverage. Values provided by each firm are slightly modified to protect the respondent's confidentiality. For further information about methodology and data limitations, see Survey Methodology. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description Nonemployers
Firms Receipts
21 Mining
All Establishments 19 1,282
Corporations D D
Individual Proprietorships 15 438
Partnerships D D
212 Mining (except oil and gas)
All Establishments 12 1,206
Corporations D D
Individual Proprietorships 8 362
Partnerships D D
2122 Metal ore mining
All Establishments D D
Individual Proprietorships D D
2123 Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying
All Establishments 11 1,199
Corporations D D
Individual Proprietorships 7 355
Partnerships D D
213 Support activities for mining
All Establishments 7 76
Individual Proprietorships 7 76
2131 Support activities for mining
All Establishments 7 76
Individual Proprietorships 7 76
21311 Support activities for mining
All Establishments 7 76
Individual Proprietorships 7 76
Top All-sector table Data in formats for downloading

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, EPCD, Nonemployer Statistics