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Retail trade
Hawaii *

Includes only firms subject to federal income tax. Nonemployers are businesses with no paid employees. Introductory text includes scope and methodology. For descriptions of column headings and rows (industries), click on the appropriate underlined element in the table.
Description Nonemployers
44-45 Retail trade 8,752 343,117
441 Motor vehicle and parts dealers 162 16,339
4411 Automobile dealers 44 5,993
44112 Used car dealers 44 5,993
4412 Other motor vehicle dealers 43 3,636
44121 Recreational vehicle dealers D D
44122 Motorcycle, boat, and other motor vehicle dealers D D
441221 Motorcycle dealers 12 1,477
441222 Boat dealers D D
441229 All other motor vehicle dealers D D
4413 Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores 75 6,710
442 Furniture and home furnishings stores 76 8,236
4421 Furniture stores 32 3,453
44211 Furniture stores 32 3,453
4422 Home furnishings stores 44 4,783
443 Electronics and appliance stores 111 7,149
4431 Electronics and appliance stores 111 7,149
44311 Appliance, television, and other electronics stores 71 4,077
443111 Household appliance stores 23 1,200
443112 Radio, television, and other electronics stores 48 2,877
44312 Computer and software stores 28 2,566
44313 Camera and photographic supplies stores 12 506
444 Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers 114 8,831
4441 Building material and supplies dealers 83 6,670
44411 Home centers D D
44412 Paint and wallpaper stores D D
44413 Hardware stores 10 935
44419 Other building material dealers 62 4,610
4442 Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores 31 2,161
445 Food and beverage stores 446 44,594
4451 Grocery stores 140 17,399
4452 Specialty food stores 258 18,578
44521 Meat markets 12 1,582
44522 Fish and seafood markets 23 3,670
44523 Fruit and vegetable markets 58 3,130
44529 Other specialty food stores 165 10,196
4453 Beer, wine, and liquor stores 48 8,617
44531 Beer, wine, and liquor stores 48 8,617
446 Health and personal care stores 376 9,962
4461 Health and personal care stores 376 9,962
44611 Pharmacies and drug stores 9 1,750
44612 Cosmetics, beauty supplies, and perfume stores 139 1,594
44613 Optical goods stores 9 629
44619 Other health and personal care stores 219 5,989
447 Gasoline stations 11 1,672
4471 Gasoline stations 11 1,672
448 Clothing and clothing accessories stores 786 57,471
4481 Clothing stores 561 35,457
44811 Men's clothing stores D D
44812 Women's clothing stores 81 5,090
44813 Children's and infants' clothing stores D D
44814 Family clothing stores 133 10,798
44815 Clothing accessories stores 93 4,848
44819 Other clothing stores 233 13,731
4482 Shoe stores 8 794
44821 Shoe stores 8 794
4483 Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores 217 21,220
44831 Jewelry stores 196 19,833
44832 Luggage and leather goods stores 21 1,387
451 Sporting goods, hobby, book, and music stores 600 21,894
4511 Sporting goods, hobby, and musical instrument stores 506 17,546
45111 Sporting goods stores 118 8,225
45112 Hobby, toy, and game stores 83 3,907
45113 Sewing, needlework, and piece goods stores 273 3,860
45114 Musical instrument and supplies stores 32 1,554
4512 Book, periodical, and music stores 94 4,348
45121 Book stores and news dealers 76 2,885
451211 Book stores 26 932
451212 News dealers and newsstands 50 1,953
45122 Prerecorded tape, compact disc, and record stores 18 1,463
452 General merchandise stores 120 6,462
453 Miscellaneous store retailers 1,550 81,065
4531 Florists 180 9,399
45311 Florists 180 9,399
4532 Office supplies, stationery, and gift stores 578 32,484
45321 Office supplies and stationery stores 24 1,448
45322 Gift, novelty, and souvenir stores 554 31,036
4533 Used merchandise stores 95 4,994
45331 Used merchandise stores 95 4,994
4539 Other miscellaneous store retailers 697 34,188
45391 Pet and pet supplies stores 26 1,157
45392 Art dealers 115 6,485
45393 Manufactured (mobile) home dealers 7 55
45399 All other miscellaneous store retailers 549 26,491
454 Nonstore retailers 4,400 79,442
4541 Electronic shopping and mail-order houses 233 6,138
45411 Electronic shopping and mail-order houses 233 6,138
4542 Vending machine operators 129 4,733
45421 Vending machine operators 129 4,733
4543 Direct selling establishments 4,038 68,571
45431 Fuel dealers 5 15
45439 Other direct selling establishments 4,033 68,556
D Withheld to avoid disclosure; S Withheld because data do not meet publication standards;
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Source: Nonemployer Statistics

Page Generated September 22, 2003   Questions?

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