LRO's Project Site

Artist concept of LRO

Learn more about the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter from the project Web site maintained by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

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Artist concept of LCROSS

The Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), managed by NASA's Ames Research Center in California, launched with LRO on June 18, 2009. LCROSS will search for water ice in a permanently shadowed crater near one of the moon's poles. Visit the Web site below for more information about LCROSS and the crater impact.

› Visit the site

Destination: Moon

Destination Moon Logo

Learn all about NASA's journey back to the moon by reading this four-part series, authored by Dr. Paul Lowman, of the Goddard Space Flight Center.

› Read the series

Mission News

    Trail of Discovery at Fra Mauru

    LROC image of the Apollo 14 landing site

    A month has already passed since LROC acquired its first images of the Apollo landing sites. In this time the Moon completed one rotation beneath LRO’s orbit, thus providing another set of overflights. Because LRO is not in synch with the lunar day we see the same ground with different lighting – this time the Sun is 24 degrees higher above the horizon providing a clearer view with fewer shadows. Albedo contrasts are greater, and more clearly show soil disturbances from landing, astronaut surface operations, and blast off.

    › For more information and images

    Additional Resources
    › LRO Fact Sheet
    › LRO Lithograph
    › LRO/LCROSS Press Kit

    Five Things to Know about LRO

    • LRO is leading NASA’s way back to the moon.
    • The primary objective of LRO is to conduct investigations that prepare for future lunar exploration. Specifically LRO will scout for safe and compelling landing sites, locate potential resources (with special attention to the possibility of water ice) and characterize the effects of prolonged exposure to the lunar radiation environment. In addition to its exploration mission, LRO will also return rich scientific data that will help us to better understand the moon’s topography and composition.
    • Seven scientific instruments outfit LRO. These instruments will return lunar imagery, topography, temperature measurements and more.
    • Launched along with LRO was the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), a partner mission that will search for water ice on the moon.
    • In response to LRO's "Send Your Name to the Moon" initiative, the spacecraft carries a microchip with nearly 1.6 million names submitted by the public. Click here to view a photo of the microchip containing the names as engineers prepare to install it on the spacecraft.

News and Features

LRO Video

Moon Images from LRO

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    LRO's mission is to:

    Locate landing sites
    Find resources
    Test new technology
    All of the above