The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 2.  Local Government Finances by Type of Government and State: 2001 - 02
(Dollar amounts are in thousands.  For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.  Revised October 2005)
Description Wisconsin
County Municipal Township Special District School District
government government government government government
amount amount amount amount amount
1 2 3 4 5
                    Revenue1 4,994,445 5,175,724 649,910 606,632 9,449,966
               General revenue1 4,980,604 4,506,189 640,752 430,636 9,449,966
Intergovernmental revenue1 2,314,080 1,578,638 261,970 137,756 5,459,218
     From federal government 195,676 165,899 3,389 78,740 99,106
     From state government 1,953,804 1,270,267 245,204 11,927 5,226,691
     From local government1 164,600 142,472 13,377 47,089 133,421
General revenue from own sources   2,666,524 2,927,551 378,782 292,880 3,990,748
    Taxes   1,474,462 1,538,967 270,383 103,099 3,409,174
          Property 1,228,321 1,403,453 246,331 87,191 3,409,174
          Sales and gross receipts   218,202 33,083 5,139 14,006 -
               General sales   217,997 12 6 - -
               Selective sales 205 33,071 5,133 14,006 -
                    Motor fuel - - - - -
                    Alcoholic beverage - - - - -
                    Tobacco products - - - - -
                    Public utilities   - - - - -
                    Other selective sales   205 33,071 5,133 14,006 -
          Individual income   - - - - -
          Corporate income   - - - - -
          License taxes 7 633 2 - -
            Motor vehicle license   7 633 2 - -
          Other taxes   27,932 101,798 18,911 1,902 -
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   1,192,062 1,388,584 108,399 189,781 581,574
          Current charges   980,153 905,066 59,080 132,895 405,905
               Education   24 - - - 405,905
                    Institutions of higher education   - - - - 202,660
                    School lunch sales (gross) - - - - 142,911
               Hospitals   99,251 2,290 - - -
               Highways   339 21,707 7,887 - -
               Air transportation (airports)   )                        79,835 3,715 73 - -
               Parking facilities   6,998 32,912 33 - -
               Sea and inland port facilities   165 6,121 82 - -
               Natural resources   - - - 638 -
               Parks and recreation   68,470 158,494 3,870 9,157 -
               Housing and community development   2,784 38,544 23 37,010 -
               Sewerage   - 432,233 13,441 86,081 -
               Solid waste management   53,385 77,953 22,745 - -
               Other charges   668,902 131,097 10,926 9 -
          Miscellaneous general revenue   211,909 483,518 49,319 56,886 175,669
               Interest earnings   103,864 220,538 21,830 30,838 71,006
               Special assessments   405 68,361 8,728 13,032 -
               Sale of property   61 92 - 1,322 -
               Other general revenue   107,579 194,527 18,761 11,694 104,663
               Other than general revenue 13,841 669,535 9,158 175,996 -
Utility revenue 41,884 729,681 9,158 175,996 -
     Water supply   - 338,322 6,608 699 -
     Electric power   - 376,304 1,404 175,297 -
     Gas supply   - - 1,144 - -
     Transit   41,884 15,055 2 - -
Liquor store revenue   - 209 - - -
Insurance trust revenue   -28,043 -60,355 - - -
     Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
     Employee retirement   -28,043 -60,355 - - -
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Other insurance trust revenue   - - - - -
                Expenditure1 5,407,302 5,861,290 678,329 684,607 9,686,858
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 47,573 94,055 18,752 15,603 106,715
     Direct expenditure   5,359,729 5,767,235 659,577 669,004 9,580,143
          Current operations   4,579,777 4,002,705 468,680 411,241 8,351,944
          Capital outlay   560,705 1,120,422 172,675 188,766 957,278
               Construction   484,945 951,633 147,242 180,809 630,924
               Other capital outlay   75,760 168,789 25,433 7,957 326,354
          Assistance and subsidies   39,799 4,014 129 - -
          Interest on debt   84,372 345,970 18,093 68,997 270,921
          Insurance benefits and repayments 95,076 294,124 - - -
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   1,554,408 1,518,087 121,167 66,281 4,882,675
Direct expenditure by function 5,359,729 5,767,235 659,577 669,004 9,580,143
     Direct general expenditure   5,105,125 4,577,628 645,055 499,652 9,580,143
          Capital outlay   542,450 1,058,943 171,118 187,788 957,278
          Other direct general expenditure    e                     4,562,675 3,518,685 473,937 311,864 8,622,865
          Education services:          
               Education   57,169 1,009 - - 9,309,222
                       Capital outlay   6,217 - - - 957,278
                   Higher education   - - - - 902,454
                        Capital outlay   - - - - 94,322
                   Elementary & secondary   57,169 1,009 - - 8,406,768
                        Capital outlay   6,217 - - - 862,956
                   Other education   - - - - -
               Libraries   42,240 170,520 4,341 - -
          Social services and income maintenance:          
               Public welfare   1,411,048 12,434 158 - -
                    Cash assistance payments 39,799 4,014 129 - -
                    Vendor payments   13,164 - - - -
                    Other public welfare   1,358,085 8,420 29 - -
               Hospitals   192,109 2,335 3 - -
                    Capital outlay   - - - - -
               Health   781,229 117,892 19,788 - -
               Social insurance administration    - - - - -
               Veterans' services   - - - - -
               Highways   611,800 796,485 305,518 - -
                    Capital outlay   256,977 421,966 116,336 - -
               Air transportation (airports) 86,600 11,296 570 - -
               Parking facilities   1,126 45,987 202 - -
               Sea and inland port facilities   s                         1,356 11,813 293 - -
               Transit subsidies   - - - - -
          Public safety:          
               Police protection   370,448 773,446 31,049 - -
               Fire protection   37 424,315 65,727 - -
               Correction   302,855 251 41 - -
                    Capital outlay   42,576 - - - -
               Protective inspection and regulation   gulation                  1,415 43,239 7,057 - -
          Environment and housing:          
               Natural resources   81,638 66,972 6,641 8,704 -
                    Capital outlay   3,994 16,976 1,769 2,570 -
               Parks and recreation   201,337 366,649 12,619 20,510 -
                    Capital outlay   42,463 185,290 4,323 99 -
               Housing and community development    pment                    33,498 152,476 347 107,873 -
               Sewerage   1 444,390 27,558 303,722 -
                    Capital outlay   1 59,957 9,904 175,564 -
               Solid waste management   65,331 204,813 35,122 17 -
                    Capital outlay   747 15,721 263 - -
          Governmental administration:          
               Financial administration   87,396 81,424 24,890 - -
               Judicial and legal   186,148 42,811 6,989 - -
               General public buildings 125,367 73,308 19,219 - -
               Other governmental administration    ation                   128,848 130,795 40,910 - -
          Interest on general debt   83,239 291,993 15,313 58,686 270,921
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:          
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   - 5,459 1,022 - -
               Other and unallocable   252,890 305,516 19,678 140 -
     Utility expenditure 159,528 895,265 14,522 169,352 -
               Capital outlay   18,255 61,479 1,557 978 -
          Water supply   - 401,493 11,156 896 -
          Electric power   - 379,352 1,472 168,456 -
          Gas supply   - - 1,005 - -
          Transit   159,528 114,420 889 - -
     Liquor store expenditure   - 218 - - -
     Insurance trust expenditure 95,076 294,124 - - -
          Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
          Employee retirement   95,076 294,124 - - -
          Workers' compensation   - - - - -
          Other insurance trust   - - - - -
               Debt outstanding   1,663,394 6,226,811 378,848 1,381,752 5,806,391
Short-term    - 6,005 - 4,489 732,454
Long-term    1,663,394 6,220,806 378,848 1,377,263 5,073,937
     Full faith and credit   1,543,000 3,878,701 323,427 918,435 4,749,805
     Nonguaranteed   120,394 2,342,105 55,421 458,828 324,132
Long-term debt by purpose:          
     Public debt for private purposes   oses                      5,873 451,470 8,774 - -
     Education   2,652 - - - 5,073,937
     Utilities   20,581 929,275 48,484 187,010 -
     Other   1,634,288 4,840,061 321,590 1,190,253 -
Long-term debt issued   376,173 1,324,889 124,601 214,000 1,152,334
Long-term debt retired   286,650 956,947 66,973 87,430 1,014,213
                Cash and security holdings   3,071,823 8,626,206 652,128 645,674 2,714,718
Insurance trust funds   1,487,300 3,890,706 - - -
     Unemployment compensation    - - - - -
     Employee retirement   1,487,300 3,890,706 - - -
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Miscellaneous   - - - - -
Other than insurance trust funds   ds                    1,584,523 4,735,500 652,128 645,674 2,714,718
     By purpose:          
          Offsets to debt   56,833 858,157 17,596 50,001 279,149
          Bond funds   135,924 334,617 17,964 67,190 550,420
          Other   1,391,766 3,542,726 616,568 528,483 1,885,149
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
