The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 2.  Local Government Finances by Type of Government and State: 2001 - 02
(Dollar amounts are in thousands.  For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.  Revised October 2005)
Description Nebraska
County Municipal Township Special District School District
government government government government government
amount amount amount amount amount
1 2 3 4 5
                    Revenue1 900,927 1,858,593 9,818 2,368,658 2,531,692
               General revenue1 900,927 1,358,238 9,818 524,075 2,682,412
Intergovernmental revenue1 221,431 251,412 197 139,076 1,179,820
     From federal government 16,850 28,172 19 97,438 50,965
     From state government 173,545 200,944 153 29,967 1,110,775
     From local government1 31,036 22,296 25 11,671 18,080
General revenue from own sources   679,496 1,106,826 9,621 384,999 1,502,592
    Taxes   339,544 621,303 8,584 103,176 1,251,212
          Property 290,255 206,664 8,584 101,396 1,135,559
          Sales and gross receipts   10,702 286,667 - - 16,519
               General sales   1,308 216,994 - - -
               Selective sales 9,394 69,673 - - 16,519
                    Motor fuel - - - - -
                    Alcoholic beverage - - - - -
                    Tobacco products - - - - -
                    Public utilities   2,678 68,987 - - 16,519
                    Other selective sales   6,716 686 - - -
          Individual income   - - - - -
          Corporate income   - - - - -
          License taxes 10,429 8,405 - - -
            Motor vehicle license   10,429 8,405 - - -
          Other taxes   28,158 119,567 - 1,780 99,134
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   339,952 485,523 1,037 281,823 251,380
          Current charges   264,146 293,843 900 141,658 175,747
               Education   - - - - 175,747
                    Institutions of higher education   - - - - 64,276
                    School lunch sales (gross) - - - - 48,930
               Hospitals   187,484 16,225 - 55,184 -
               Highways   1,415 150 - 10 -
               Air transportation (airports)   )                           207 4,203 - 38,452 -
               Parking facilities   - 5,048 - - -
               Sea and inland port facilities   - - - - -
               Natural resources   - - - 7,115 -
               Parks and recreation   17 30,572 - - -
               Housing and community development   6 - - 23,142 -
               Sewerage   1,767 97,819 - 2,212 -
               Solid waste management   21,432 50,864 - 89 -
               Other charges   51,818 88,962 900 15,454 -
          Miscellaneous general revenue   75,806 191,680 137 140,165 75,633
               Interest earnings   26,480 42,179 137 94,797 34,119
               Special assessments   279 2,176 - 34,805 -
               Sale of property   239 8,902 - 1,148 -
               Other general revenue   48,808 138,423 - 9,415 41,514
               Other than general revenue - 500,355 - 1,844,583 -150,720
Utility revenue - 488,702 - 1,859,534 -
     Water supply   - 82,661 - 64,997 -
     Electric power   - 365,255 - 1,583,712 -
     Gas supply   - 39,677 - 206,461 -
     Transit   - 1,109 - 4,364 -
Liquor store revenue   - - - - -
Insurance trust revenue   - 11,653 - -14,951 -150,720
     Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
     Employee retirement   - 11,653 - -14,951 -150,720
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Other insurance trust revenue   - - - - -
                Expenditure1 942,692 1,826,734 9,556 2,255,611 2,774,103
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 9,627 - - 37,864 20
     Direct expenditure   933,065 1,826,734 9,556 2,217,747 2,774,083
          Current operations   803,697 1,241,370 7,794 1,545,600 2,303,946
          Capital outlay   116,715 473,143 1,756 491,081 376,836
               Construction   57,129 252,792 71 430,271 223,569
               Other capital outlay   59,586 220,351 1,685 60,810 153,267
          Assistance and subsidies   456 - - - -
          Interest on debt   12,197 71,225 6 153,337 53,402
          Insurance benefits and repayments - 40,996 - 27,729 39,899
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   334,749 503,144 3,167 451,563 1,409,803
Direct expenditure by function 933,065 1,826,734 9,556 2,217,747 2,774,083
     Direct general expenditure   933,065 1,276,543 9,556 392,875 2,734,184
          Capital outlay   116,715 398,694 1,756 110,200 376,836
          Other direct general expenditure    e                       816,350 877,849 7,800 282,675 2,357,348
          Education services:          
               Education   406 - - - 2,680,782
                       Capital outlay   3 - - - 376,836
                   Higher education   - - - - 201,709
                        Capital outlay   - - - - 11,414
                   Elementary & secondary   406 - - - 2,479,073
                        Capital outlay   3 - - - 365,422
                   Other education   - - - - -
               Libraries   3,081 21,244 - - -
          Social services and income maintenance:          
               Public welfare   29,920 25,788 - - -
                    Cash assistance payments 456 - - - -
                    Vendor payments   1,449 - - - -
                    Other public welfare   28,015 25,788 - - -
               Hospitals   213,325 19,712 - 63,865 -
                    Capital outlay   8,934 350 - 11,326 -
               Health   19,503 16,481 - 108 -
               Social insurance administration    - - - - -
               Veterans' services   - - - - -
               Highways   167,467 217,570 9,429 2,895 -
                    Capital outlay   42,552 109,015 1,756 1,081 -
               Air transportation (airports) 766 2,205 - 63,193 -
               Parking facilities   - 2,338 - - -
               Sea and inland port facilities   - - - 2,508 -
               Transit subsidies   9 - - - -
          Public safety:          
               Police protection   57,089 158,800 - - -
               Fire protection   427 105,408 - 20,530 -
               Correction   81,464 - - - -
                    Capital outlay   17,660 - - - -
               Protective inspection and regulation   gulation                    281 11,916 - - -
          Environment and housing:          
               Natural resources   10,164 - - 71,299 -
                    Capital outlay   481 - - 19,289 -
               Parks and recreation   4,295 113,226 - 371 -
                    Capital outlay   70 20,720 - - -
               Housing and community development    pment                       570 26,434 - 85,411 -
               Sewerage   1,163 95,369 - 17,011 -
                    Capital outlay   13 35,787 - 11,822 -
               Solid waste management   17,927 48,418 - 234 -
                    Capital outlay   264 3,605 - - -
          Governmental administration:          
               Financial administration   38,874 44,348 - - -
               Judicial and legal   61,618 2,392 - - -
               General public buildings 24,626 9,557 - - -
               Other governmental administration    ation                    23,286 65,385 - - -
          Interest on general debt   12,197 42,393 6 38,576 53,402
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:          
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   - - - - -
               Other and unallocable   164,607 247,559 121 26,874 -
     Utility expenditure - 509,195 - 1,797,143 -
               Capital outlay   - 74,449 - 380,881 -
          Water supply   - 86,970 - 78,060 -
          Electric power   - 370,366 - 1,483,247 -
          Gas supply   - 44,869 - 213,567 -
          Transit   - 6,990 - 22,269 -
     Liquor store expenditure   - - - - -
     Insurance trust expenditure - 40,996 - 27,729 39,899
          Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
          Employee retirement   - 40,996 - 27,729 39,899
          Workers' compensation   - - - - -
          Other insurance trust   - - - - -
               Debt outstanding   255,695 1,337,989 85 2,992,758 1,104,272
Short-term    1,730 625 - 8,486 -
Long-term    253,965 1,337,364 85 2,984,272 1,104,272
     Full faith and credit   142,989 607,804 85 431,502 1,091,758
     Nonguaranteed   110,976 729,560 - 2,552,770 12,514
Long-term debt by purpose:          
     Public debt for private purposes   oses                    107,492 8,250 - 246,997 -
     Education   - - - - 1,104,272
     Utilities   - 548,424 - 2,295,699 -
     Other   146,473 780,690 85 441,576 -
Long-term debt issued   61,509 107,819 - 283,305 115,291
Long-term debt retired   21,704 84,303 9 315,035 120,550
                Cash and security holdings   434,910 1,868,927 12,390 2,091,890 1,911,445
Insurance trust funds   - 712,475 - 494,471 761,972
     Unemployment compensation    - - - - -
     Employee retirement   - 712,475 - 494,471 761,972
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Miscellaneous   - - - - -
Other than insurance trust funds   ds                      434,910 1,156,452 12,390 1,597,419 1,149,473
     By purpose:          
          Offsets to debt   111,260 30,431 - 456,151 99,958
          Bond funds   9,885 45,615 - 111,975 342,065
          Other   313,765 1,080,406 12,390 1,029,293 707,450
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
