The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 2.  Local Government Finances by Type of Government and State: 2001 - 02
(Dollar amounts are in thousands.  For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.  Revised October 2005)
Description Georgia
County Municipal Township Special District School District
government government government government government
amount amount amount amount amount
1 2 3 4 5
                    Revenue1 6,463,328 5,633,797 - 6,053,574 12,870,780
               General revenue1 6,092,181 4,091,558 - 4,892,857 12,870,881
Intergovernmental revenue1 601,004 956,064 - 1,643,398 7,248,117
     From federal government 94,024 103,537 - 560,345 58,502
     From state government 468,008 172,107 X 910,329 7,042,114
     From local government1 38,972 680,420 X 172,724 147,501
General revenue from own sources   5,491,177 3,135,494 - 3,249,459 5,622,764
    Taxes   4,092,500 1,244,842 - 27,118 4,921,773
          Property 2,208,182 610,161 - 19,730 3,747,879
          Sales and gross receipts   1,733,318 470,277 - - 1,173,894
               General sales   1,485,889 - - - 1,173,894
               Selective sales 247,429 470,277 - - -
                    Motor fuel - - - - -
                    Alcoholic beverage 38,806 74,029 - - -
                    Tobacco products - - - - -
                    Public utilities   16,198 191,677 - - -
                    Other selective sales   192,425 204,571 - - -
          Individual income   - - - - -
          Corporate income   - - - - -
          License taxes 275 - - - -
            Motor vehicle license   275 - - - -
          Other taxes   150,725 164,404 - 7,388 -
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   1,398,677 1,890,652 - 3,222,341 700,991
          Current charges   612,343 1,316,305 - 2,909,601 229,766
               Education   - - - - 229,766
                    Institutions of higher education   - - - - 6,810
                    School lunch sales (gross) - - - - 182,117
               Hospitals   - - - 2,629,555 -
               Highways   - - - - -
               Air transportation (airports)   5,109 507,053 - 3,364 -
               Parking facilities   647 3,273 - 9 -
               Sea and inland port facilities   - - - - -
               Natural resources   - - - 439 -
               Parks and recreation   23,629 55,074 - 12,851 -
               Housing and community development   - - - 88,251 -
               Sewerage   251,511 342,927 - 56,042 -
               Solid waste management   139,720 250,197 - 7,755 -
               Other charges   191,727 157,781 - 111,335 -
          Miscellaneous general revenue   786,334 574,347 - 312,740 471,225
               Interest earnings   380,960 323,932 - 186,859 124,982
               Special assessments   18,154 1,777 - 653 -
               Sale of property   9,446 12,486 - 9,104 -
               Other general revenue   377,774 236,152 - 116,124 346,243
               Other than general revenue 371,147 1,542,239 - 1,160,717 -101
Utility revenue 414,962 1,533,384 - 1,160,717 -
     Water supply   386,175 510,532 - 207,067 -
     Electric power   22,243 697,140 - 599,455 -
     Gas supply   488 324,838 - 241,108 -
     Transit   6,056 874 - 113,087 -
Liquor store revenue   - - - - -
Insurance trust revenue   -43,815 8,855 - - -101
     Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
     Employee retirement   -43,815 8,855 - - -101
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Other insurance trust revenue   - - - - -
                Expenditure1 7,196,663 6,136,960 - 5,920,867 12,524,610
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 677,582 182,081 - 17,489 -
     Direct expenditure   6,519,081 5,954,879 - 5,903,378 12,524,610
          Current operations   4,350,772 4,143,215 - 4,540,301 10,687,995
          Capital outlay   1,786,641 1,325,342 - 897,278 1,667,077
               Construction   1,316,590 1,004,361 - 717,631 1,277,034
               Other capital outlay   470,051 320,981 - 179,647 390,043
          Assistance and subsidies   - - - - -
          Interest on debt   296,401 346,843 - 465,799 165,283
          Insurance benefits and repayments 85,267 139,479 - - 4,255
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   1,931,144 1,478,616 - 1,719,603 7,130,712
Direct expenditure by function 6,519,081 5,954,879 - 5,903,378 12,524,610
     Direct general expenditure   5,714,728 3,970,961 - 4,223,744 12,520,355
          Capital outlay   1,422,404 898,995 - 422,029 1,667,077
          Other direct general expenditure    4,292,324 3,071,966 - 3,801,715 10,853,278
          Education services:          
               Education   56 - - - 12,355,072
                       Capital outlay   - - - - 1,667,077
                   Higher education   - - - - 32,680
                        Capital outlay   - - - - 8,871
                   Elementary & secondary   56 - - - 12,322,392
                        Capital outlay   - - - - 1,658,206
                   Other education   - - - - -
               Libraries   103,698 11,580 - - -
          Social services and income maintenance:          
               Public welfare   130,286 16,210 - 3 -
                    Cash assistance payments - - - - -
                    Vendor payments   - - - - -
                    Other public welfare   130,286 16,210 - 3 -
               Hospitals   2,673 1,728 - 2,860,395 -
                    Capital outlay   311 - - 192,854 -
               Health   350,896 35,091 - 487,379 -
               Social insurance administration    - - - - -
               Veterans' services   - - - - -
               Highways   627,960 317,629 - 3,059 -
                    Capital outlay   312,354 95,273 - 939 -
               Air transportation (airports) 13,255 190,266 - 15,833 -
               Parking facilities   5,042 1,301 - 330 -
               Sea and inland port facilities   - - - - -
               Transit subsidies   - - - - -
          Public safety:          
               Police protection   667,533 632,434 - - -
               Fire protection   327,169 308,149 - 248 -
               Correction   448,689 83,023 - - -
                    Capital outlay   85,014 2,067 - - -
               Protective inspection and regulation   57,420 42,822 - - -
          Environment and housing:          
               Natural resources   19,601 858 - 1,405 -
                    Capital outlay   5,346 22 - 14 -
               Parks and recreation   279,110 272,834 - 32,095 -
                    Capital outlay   149,997 106,368 - 19,069 -
               Housing and community development    93,609 92,012 - 522,060 -
               Sewerage   425,648 570,720 - 84,456 -
                    Capital outlay   268,268 289,486 - 50,719 -
               Solid waste management   178,869 269,416 - 12,777 -
                    Capital outlay   25,578 18,720 - 4,050 -
          Governmental administration:          
               Financial administration   230,357 82,626 - - -
               Judicial and legal   431,793 86,678 - - -
               General public buildings 233,083 64,730 - - -
               Other governmental administration    354,525 256,266 - - -
          Interest on general debt   192,708 190,697 - 149,763 165,283
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:          
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   - - - - -
               Other and unallocable   540,748 443,891 - 53,941 -
     Utility expenditure 719,086 1,844,439 - 1,679,634 -
               Capital outlay   364,237 426,347 - 475,249 -
          Water supply   677,764 932,439 - 284,050 -
          Electric power   22,250 612,773 - 577,803 -
          Gas supply   813 295,686 - 195,762 -
          Transit   18,259 3,541 - 622,019 -
     Liquor store expenditure   - - - - -
     Insurance trust expenditure 85,267 139,479 - - 4,255
          Unemployment compensation   - - - - -
          Employee retirement   85,267 139,479 - - 4,255
          Workers' compensation   - - - - -
          Other insurance trust   - - - - -
               Debt outstanding   5,348,393 7,454,187 - 9,377,806 3,877,380
Short-term    93,921 26,183 - 203,601 316,057
Long-term    5,254,472 7,428,004 - 9,174,205 3,561,323
     Full faith and credit   932,597 935,768 - 4,576,712 3,554,005
     Nonguaranteed   4,321,875 6,492,236 - 4,597,493 7,318
Long-term debt by purpose:          
     Public debt for private purposes   1,703,603 416,877 - 448,707 -
     Education   82,855 167,229 - - 3,561,323
     Utilities   2,155,790 3,952,343 - 6,418,144 -
     Other   1,312,224 2,891,555 - 2,307,354 -
Long-term debt issued   391,385 1,566,765 - 544,230 858,909
Long-term debt retired   405,992 468,212 - 454,542 440,671
                Cash and security holdings   8,639,144 8,041,417 - 4,543,952 4,250,784
Insurance trust funds   2,065,617 2,409,735 - - 77,722
     Unemployment compensation    - - - - -
     Employee retirement   2,065,617 2,409,735 - - 77,722
     Workers' compensation   - - - - -
     Miscellaneous   - - - - -
Other than insurance trust funds   6,573,527 5,631,682 - 4,543,952 4,173,062
     By purpose:          
          Offsets to debt   1,813,469 654,586 - 822,289 339,954
          Bond funds   652,545 614,116 - 474,327 2,217,460
          Other   4,107,513 4,362,980 - 3,247,336 1,615,648
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
