The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 1.  State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government
                 and by State: 2001 - 02
(Dollar amounts are in thousands.  For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table. Revised October 2005)
Description Virginia
State & local  State  Local
government government government
amount1 amount amount1
1 2 3
 Population (April 1, 2000, in thousands) 7,079 (X) (X)
                    Revenue1 38,780,385 23,576,891 22,754,847
               General revenue1 39,026,171 24,842,981 21,734,543
Intergovernmental revenue1 6,234,846 5,531,423 8,254,776
     From federal government 6,234,846 5,377,424 857,422
     From state government X X 7,397,354
     From local government1 X 153,999 X
General revenue from own sources   32,791,325 19,311,558 13,479,767
    Taxes   22,131,246 12,781,149 9,350,097
          Property 6,710,588 20,557 6,690,031
          Sales and gross receipts   6,542,184 4,782,295 1,759,889
               General sales   3,586,938 2,799,526 787,412
               Selective sales 2,955,246 1,982,769 972,477
                    Motor fuel 848,528 848,528 -
                    Alcoholic beverage 132,971 132,878 93
                    Tobacco products 52,136 15,125 37,011
                    Public utilities   591,008 86,518 504,490
                    Other selective sales   1,330,603 899,720 430,883
          Individual income   6,710,995 6,710,771 224
          Corporate income   308,554 308,554 -
          License taxes 676,768 542,724 134,044
            Motor vehicle license   447,460 313,416 134,044
          Other taxes   1,182,157 416,248 765,909
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   10,660,079 6,530,409 4,129,670
          Current charges   6,520,215 3,703,105 2,817,110
               Education   2,063,493 1,754,870 308,623
                    Institutions of higher education   1,809,186 1,742,027 67,159
                    School lunch sales (gross) 199,726 - 199,726
               Hospitals   1,602,254 1,308,580 293,674
               Highways   134,609 61,227 73,382
               Air transportation (airports)   401,089 - 401,089
               Parking facilities   36,230 - 36,230
               Sea and inland port facilities   132,018 130,300 1,718
               Natural resources   2,353 1,995 358
               Parks and recreation   152,112 13,009 139,103
               Housing and community development   91,575 7,954 83,621
               Sewerage   741,166 - 741,166
               Solid waste management   350,961 - 350,961
               Other charges   812,355 425,170 387,185
          Miscellaneous general revenue   4,139,864 2,827,304 1,312,560
               Interest earnings   1,604,061 1,022,695 581,366
               Special assessments   72,521 - 72,521
               Sale of property   34,348 3,133 31,215
               Other general revenue   2,428,934 1,801,476 627,458
               Other than general revenue -245,786 -1,266,090 1,020,304
Utility revenue 1,258,236 - 1,258,236
     Water supply   787,198 - 787,198
     Electric power   240,015 - 240,015
     Gas supply   177,963 - 177,963
     Transit   53,060 - 53,060
Liquor store revenue   338,183 338,183 -
Insurance trust revenue   -1,842,205 -1,604,273 -237,932
     Unemployment compensation   276,336 276,336 -
     Employee retirement   -2,121,079 -1,883,147 -237,932
     Workers' compensation   2,538 2,538 -
     Other insurance trust revenue   - - -
                Expenditure1 43,687,513 28,044,327 24,033,271
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 2,152 8,369,313 22,924
     Direct expenditure   43,685,361 19,675,014 24,010,347
          Current operations   33,140,719 14,020,909 19,119,810
          Capital outlay   5,576,115 2,328,934 3,247,181
               Construction   4,615,088 1,985,388 2,629,700
               Other capital outlay   961,027 343,546 617,481
          Assistance and subsidies   547,926 425,316 122,610
          Interest on debt   1,839,778 721,485 1,118,293
          Insurance benefits and repayments 2,580,823 2,178,370 402,453
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   13,675,826 4,682,335 8,993,491
Direct expenditure by function 43,685,361 19,675,014 24,010,347
     Direct general expenditure   39,266,925 17,176,535 22,090,390
          Capital outlay   5,218,749 2,325,721 2,893,028
          Other direct general expenditure    34,048,176 14,850,814 19,197,362
          Education services:      
               Education   15,148,890 4,656,808 10,492,082
                       Capital outlay   1,721,035 566,218 1,154,817
                   Higher education   4,154,135 4,018,483 135,652
                        Capital outlay   560,357 555,816 4,541
                   Elementary & secondary   10,400,990 44,560 10,356,430
                        Capital outlay   1,150,276 - 1,150,276
                   Other education   593,765 593,765 -
               Libraries   234,350 18,505 215,845
          Social services and income maintenance: :    
               Public welfare   4,673,802 3,622,277 1,051,525
                    Cash assistance payments 248,074 125,464 122,610
                    Vendor payments   3,330,178 3,245,589 84,589
                    Other public welfare   1,095,550 251,224 844,326
               Hospitals   2,048,955 1,717,835 331,120
                    Capital outlay   82,464 44,091 38,373
               Health   1,134,990 468,007 666,983
               Social insurance administration    146,488 146,488 -
               Veterans' services   2,958 2,958 -
               Highways   3,101,713 2,587,044 514,669
                    Capital outlay   1,742,072 1,602,545 139,527
               Air transportation (airports) 794,123 32,364 761,759
               Parking facilities   35,819 - 35,819
               Sea and inland port facilities   162,151 159,691 2,460
               Transit subsidies   6,525 - 6,525
          Public safety:      
               Police protection   1,309,344 231,914 1,077,430
               Fire protection   622,864 - 622,864
               Correction   1,388,451 959,136 429,315
                    Capital outlay   40,551 23,043 17,508
               Protective inspection and regulation   234,384 146,197 88,187
          Environment and housing:      
               Natural resources   218,721 183,373 35,348
                    Capital outlay   8,692 7,550 1,142
               Parks and recreation   631,944 74,337 557,607
                    Capital outlay   71,685 2,788 68,897
               Housing and community development    702,324 114,494 587,830
               Sewerage   751,124 57,288 693,836
                    Capital outlay   205,288 866 204,422
               Solid waste management   550,201 38,207 511,994
                    Capital outlay   30,263 33 30,230
          Governmental administration:      
               Financial administration   870,172 476,003 394,169
               Judicial and legal   656,261 349,779 306,482
               General public buildings 354,801 47,917 306,884
               Other governmental administration    370,087 49,640 320,447
          Interest on general debt   1,705,545 721,485 984,060
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:      
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   - - -
               Other and unallocable   1,409,938 314,788 1,095,150
     Utility expenditure 1,530,390 12,886 1,517,504
               Capital outlay   354,214 61 354,153
          Water supply   820,403 - 820,403
          Electric power   206,022 - 206,022
          Gas supply   187,352 - 187,352
          Transit   316,613 12,886 303,727
     Liquor store expenditure   307,223 307,223 -
     Insurance trust expenditure 2,580,823 2,178,370 402,453
          Unemployment compensation   666,763 666,763 -
          Employee retirement   1,913,695 1,511,242 402,453
          Workers' compensation   365 365 -
          Other insurance trust   - - -
               Debt outstanding   35,422,294 13,785,231 21,637,063
Short-term    367,760 - 367,760
Long-term    35,054,534 13,785,231 21,269,303
     Full faith and credit   11,429,072 828,009 10,601,063
     Nonguaranteed   23,625,462 12,957,222 10,668,240
Long-term debt by purpose:      
     Public debt for private purposes   10,280,379 6,482,855 3,797,524
     Education   8,711,948 3,370,611 5,341,337
     Utilities   2,718,966 - 2,718,966
     Other   13,343,241 3,931,765 9,411,476
Long-term debt issued   6,187,889 2,643,440 3,544,449
Long-term debt retired   3,774,242 1,824,569 1,949,673
                Cash and security holdings   73,834,265 52,060,267 21,773,998
Insurance trust funds   42,801,709 34,891,465 7,910,244
     Unemployment compensation    838,860 838,860 -
     Employee retirement   41,958,504 34,048,260 7,910,244
     Workers' compensation   4,345 4,345 -
     Miscellaneous   - - -
Other than insurance trust funds   31,032,556 17,168,802 13,863,754
     By purpose:      
          Offsets to debt   13,150,641 8,771,227 4,379,414
          Bond funds   1,679,885 117,704 1,562,181
          Other   16,202,030 8,279,871 7,922,159
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
Population source: U. S. Census Bureau, Population Division, released December 28, 2000
