The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 1.  State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government
                 and by State: 2001 - 02
(Dollar amounts are in thousands.  For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table. Revised October 2005)
Description Kentucky
State & local  State  Local
government government government
amount1 amount amount1
1 2 3
 Population (April 1, 2000, in thousands) 4,042 (X) (X)
                    Revenue1 22,474,542 16,072,899 9,712,391
               General revenue1 21,231,073 15,810,192 8,731,629
Intergovernmental revenue1 5,413,584 5,121,235 3,603,097
     From federal government 5,413,584 5,101,806 311,778
     From state government X X 3,291,319
     From local government1 X 19,429 X
General revenue from own sources   15,817,489 10,688,957 5,128,532
    Taxes   10,780,757 7,974,690 2,806,067
          Property 1,977,011 437,804 1,539,207
          Sales and gross receipts   3,942,387 3,741,084 201,303
               General sales   2,312,322 2,312,224 98
               Selective sales 1,630,065 1,428,860 201,205
                    Motor fuel 461,333 461,333 -
                    Alcoholic beverage 72,545 72,545 -
                    Tobacco products 16,828 16,828 -
                    Public utilities   178,957 - 178,957
                    Other selective sales   900,402 878,154 22,248
          Individual income   3,496,353 2,678,330 818,023
          Corporate income   302,129 302,129 -
          License taxes 562,784 539,206 23,578
            Motor vehicle license   213,877 190,299 23,578
          Other taxes   500,093 276,137 223,956
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   5,036,732 2,714,267 2,322,465
          Current charges   2,823,933 1,621,146 1,202,787
               Education   887,325 796,648 90,677
                    Institutions of higher education   792,700 792,700 -
                    School lunch sales (gross) 84,513 - 84,513
               Hospitals   696,770 454,564 242,206
               Highways   29,027 23,599 5,428
               Air transportation (airports)   147,188 27 147,161
               Parking facilities   14,166 - 14,166
               Sea and inland port facilities   17,292 - 17,292
               Natural resources   38,326 37,968 358
               Parks and recreation   85,488 52,130 33,358
               Housing and community development   22,741 5,555 17,186
               Sewerage   282,499 94 282,405
               Solid waste management   86,206 411 85,795
               Other charges   516,905 250,150 266,755
          Miscellaneous general revenue   2,212,799 1,093,121 1,119,678
               Interest earnings   1,303,801 421,144 882,657
               Special assessments   33,608 - 33,608
               Sale of property   23,767 13,601 10,166
               Other general revenue   851,623 658,376 193,247
               Other than general revenue 1,243,469 262,707 980,762
Utility revenue 951,403 - 951,403
     Water supply   453,929 - 453,929
     Electric power   378,134 - 378,134
     Gas supply   107,099 - 107,099
     Transit   12,241 - 12,241
Liquor store revenue   - - -
Insurance trust revenue   292,066 262,707 29,359
     Unemployment compensation   344,540 344,540 -
     Employee retirement   -159,054 -188,413 29,359
     Workers' compensation   106,580 106,580 -
     Other insurance trust revenue   - - -
                Expenditure1 24,795,341 18,424,584 9,994,903
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 - 3,620,967 3,179
     Direct expenditure   24,795,341 14,803,617 9,991,724
          Current operations   17,946,099 10,262,904 7,683,195
          Capital outlay   2,833,957 1,669,542 1,164,415
               Construction   1,996,110 1,353,914 642,196
               Other capital outlay   837,847 315,628 522,219
          Assistance and subsidies   390,905 390,905 -
          Interest on debt   1,565,106 449,740 1,115,366
          Insurance benefits and repayments 2,059,274 2,030,526 28,748
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   7,312,817 2,933,671 4,379,146
Direct expenditure by function 24,795,341 14,803,617 9,991,724
     Direct general expenditure   21,547,959 12,773,091 8,774,868
          Capital outlay   2,567,437 1,669,542 897,895
          Other direct general expenditure    18,980,522 11,103,549 7,876,973
          Education services:      
               Education   6,834,028 2,937,626 3,896,402
                       Capital outlay   524,116 377,874 146,242
                   Higher education   2,402,629 2,402,629 -
                        Capital outlay   357,147 357,147 -
                   Elementary & secondary   3,896,402 - 3,896,402
                        Capital outlay   146,242 - 146,242
                   Other education   534,997 534,997 -
               Libraries   93,117 10,237 82,880
          Social services and income maintenance:      
               Public welfare   4,816,404 4,762,386 54,018
                    Cash assistance payments 104,944 104,944 -
                    Vendor payments   3,789,234 3,788,897 337
                    Other public welfare   922,226 868,545 53,681
               Hospitals   717,087 458,708 258,379
                    Capital outlay   8,671 896 7,775
               Health   728,385 385,606 342,779
               Social insurance administration    50,428 50,428 -
               Veterans' services   - - -
               Highways   1,951,580 1,614,205 337,375
                    Capital outlay   1,177,082 1,109,905 67,177
               Air transportation (airports) 153,366 696 152,670
               Parking facilities   8,610 - 8,610
               Sea and inland port facilities   16,772 - 16,772
               Transit subsidies   3,833 - 3,833
          Public safety:      
               Police protection   542,715 163,317 379,398
               Fire protection   265,881 - 265,881
               Correction   599,491 413,250 186,241
                    Capital outlay   40,916 31,716 9,200
               Protective inspection and regulation   147,399 118,304 29,095
          Environment and housing:      
               Natural resources   304,669 282,104 22,565
                    Capital outlay   25,043 22,873 2,170
               Parks and recreation   259,348 123,003 136,345
                    Capital outlay   59,636 33,247 26,389
               Housing and community development    177,744 17,642 160,102
               Sewerage   440,576 17,607 422,969
                    Capital outlay   199,435 224 199,211
               Solid waste management   202,833 37,629 165,204
                    Capital outlay   28,827 863 27,964
          Governmental administration:      
               Financial administration   326,221 246,565 79,656
               Judicial and legal   316,310 286,446 29,864
               General public buildings 83,985 16,651 67,334
               Other governmental administration    284,092 86,820 197,272
          Interest on general debt   1,489,586 449,740 1,039,846
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:      
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   - - -
               Other and unallocable   733,499 294,121 439,378
     Utility expenditure 1,188,108 - 1,188,108
               Capital outlay   266,520 - 266,520
          Water supply   630,561 - 630,561
          Electric power   347,813 - 347,813
          Gas supply   128,462 - 128,462
          Transit   81,272 - 81,272
     Liquor store expenditure   - - -
     Insurance trust expenditure 2,059,274 2,030,526 28,748
          Unemployment compensation   518,381 518,381 -
          Employee retirement   1,447,086 1,418,338 28,748
          Workers' compensation   93,807 93,807 -
          Other insurance trust   - - -
               Debt outstanding   27,137,085 7,182,087 19,954,998
Short-term    85,427 2,525 82,902
Long-term    27,051,658 7,179,562 19,872,096
     Full faith and credit   2,877,208 - 2,877,208
     Nonguaranteed   24,174,450 7,179,562 16,994,888
Long-term debt by purpose:      
     Public debt for private purposes   13,549,544 2,795,779 10,753,765
     Education   3,052,535 719,287 2,333,248
     Utilities   1,445,940 - 1,445,940
     Other   9,003,639 3,664,496 5,339,143
Long-term debt issued   4,348,493 1,687,014 2,661,479
Long-term debt retired   1,994,904 1,070,485 924,419
                Cash and security holdings   48,317,603 33,446,161 14,871,442
Insurance trust funds   23,463,644 23,117,554 346,090
     Unemployment compensation    573,946 573,946 -
     Employee retirement   22,879,202 22,533,112 346,090
     Workers' compensation   10,496 10,496 -
     Miscellaneous   - - -
Other than insurance trust funds   24,853,959 10,328,607 14,525,352
     By purpose:      
          Offsets to debt   14,203,367 3,232,611 10,970,756
          Bond funds   3,258,466 2,703,103 555,363
          Other   7,392,126 4,392,893 2,999,233
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
Population source: U. S. Census Bureau, Population Division, released December 28, 2000
