The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 1.  State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government
                 and by State: 2001 - 02
(Dollar amounts are in thousands.  For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table. Revised October 2005)
Description District of Columbia
State & local  State  Local
government government government
amount1 amount amount1
1 2 3
 Population (April 1, 2000, in thousands) 572 (X) (X)
                    Revenue1 7,351,982 - 7,351,982
               General revenue1 6,922,336 - 6,922,336
Intergovernmental revenue1 2,840,094 - 2,840,094
     From federal government 2,840,094 - 2,840,094
     From state government X (X) X
     From local government1 X (X) X
General revenue from own sources   4,082,242 - 4,082,242
    Taxes   3,227,909 - 3,227,909
          Property 803,389 - 803,389
          Sales and gross receipts   935,839 - 935,839
               General sales   558,480 - 558,480
               Selective sales 377,359 - 377,359
                    Motor fuel 35,216 - 35,216
                    Alcoholic beverage 4,721 - 4,721
                    Tobacco products 17,189 - 17,189
                    Public utilities   196,284 - 196,284
                    Other selective sales   123,949 - 123,949
          Individual income   949,175 - 949,175
          Corporate income   211,249 - 211,249
          License taxes 50,189 - 50,189
            Motor vehicle license   19,340 - 19,340
          Other taxes   278,068 - 278,068
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   854,333 - 854,333
          Current charges   301,694 - 301,694
               Education   17,986 - 17,986
                    Institutions of higher education   16,058 - 16,058
                    School lunch sales (gross) 1,607 - 1,607
               Hospitals   48 - 48
               Highways   - - -
               Air transportation (airports)   - - -
               Parking facilities   11,251 - 11,251
               Sea and inland port facilities   - - -
               Natural resources   - - -
               Parks and recreation   12,302 - 12,302
               Housing and community development   - - -
               Sewerage   92,392 - 92,392
               Solid waste management   808 - 808
               Other charges   166,907 - 166,907
          Miscellaneous general revenue   552,639 - 552,639
               Interest earnings   132,150 - 132,150
               Special assessments   643 - 643
               Sale of property   263 - 263
               Other general revenue   419,583 - 419,583
               Other than general revenue 429,646 - 429,646
Utility revenue 498,594 - 498,594
     Water supply   61,595 - 61,595
     Electric power   - - -
     Gas supply   - - -
     Transit   436,999 - 436,999
Liquor store revenue   - - -
Insurance trust revenue   -68,948 - -68,948
     Unemployment compensation   125,973 - 125,973
     Employee retirement   -194,921 - -194,921
     Workers' compensation   - - -
     Other insurance trust revenue   - - -
                Expenditure1 7,832,123 - 7,832,123
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 - - -
     Direct expenditure   7,832,123 - 7,832,123
          Current operations   5,573,064 - 5,573,064
          Capital outlay   1,729,273 - 1,729,273
               Construction   1,507,761 - 1,507,761
               Other capital outlay   221,512 - 221,512
          Assistance and subsidies   118,602 - 118,602
          Interest on debt   248,386 - 248,386
          Insurance benefits and repayments 162,798 - 162,798
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   2,022,573 - 2,022,573
Direct expenditure by function 7,832,123 - 7,832,123
     Direct general expenditure   6,179,613 - 6,179,613
          Capital outlay   1,172,298 - 1,172,298
          Other direct general expenditure    5,007,315 - 5,007,315
          Education services:      
               Education   1,174,741 - 1,174,741
                       Capital outlay   87,391 - 87,391
                   Higher education   79,292 - 79,292
                        Capital outlay   - - -
                   Elementary & secondary   1,095,449 - 1,095,449
                        Capital outlay   87,391 - 87,391
                   Other education   - - -
               Libraries   26,652 - 26,652
          Social services and income maintenance:      
               Public welfare   1,462,362 - 1,462,362
                    Cash assistance payments 118,602 - 118,602
                    Vendor payments   916,681 - 916,681
                    Other public welfare   427,079 - 427,079
               Hospitals   176,920 - 176,920
                    Capital outlay   - - -
               Health   377,946 - 377,946
               Social insurance administration    9,182 - 9,182
               Veterans' services   - - -
               Highways   69,235 - 69,235
                    Capital outlay   48,586 - 48,586
               Air transportation (airports) - - -
               Parking facilities   7,373 - 7,373
               Sea and inland port facilities   - - -
               Transit subsidies   - - -
          Public safety:      
               Police protection   384,690 - 384,690
               Fire protection   136,410 - 136,410
               Correction   173,818 - 173,818
                    Capital outlay   6,004 - 6,004
               Protective inspection and regulation   61,579 - 61,579
          Environment and housing:      
               Natural resources   - - -
                    Capital outlay   - - -
               Parks and recreation   303,049 - 303,049
                    Capital outlay   237,528 - 237,528
               Housing and community development    88,096 - 88,096
               Sewerage   211,169 - 211,169
                    Capital outlay   120,016 - 120,016
               Solid waste management   43,008 - 43,008
                    Capital outlay   - - -
          Governmental administration:      
               Financial administration   147,892 - 147,892
               Judicial and legal   58,604 - 58,604
               General public buildings 115,929 - 115,929
               Other governmental administration    60,419 - 60,419
          Interest on general debt   235,875 - 235,875
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:      
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   2,558 - 2,558
               Other and unallocable   852,106 - 852,106
     Utility expenditure 1,489,712 - 1,489,712
               Capital outlay   556,975 - 556,975
          Water supply   122,633 - 122,633
          Electric power   - - -
          Gas supply   - - -
          Transit   1,367,079 - 1,367,079
     Liquor store expenditure   - - -
     Insurance trust expenditure 162,798 - 162,798
          Unemployment compensation   149,476 - 149,476
          Employee retirement   13,322 - 13,322
          Workers' compensation   - - -
          Other insurance trust   - - -
               Debt outstanding   5,436,087 - 5,436,087
Short-term    90,000 - 90,000
Long-term    5,346,087 - 5,346,087
     Full faith and credit   3,918,510 - 3,918,510
     Nonguaranteed   1,427,577 - 1,427,577
Long-term debt by purpose:      
     Public debt for private purposes   903,320 - 903,320
     Education   - - -
     Utilities   232,479 - 232,479
     Other   4,210,288 - 4,210,288
Long-term debt issued   504,681 - 504,681
Long-term debt retired   280,149 - 280,149
                Cash and security holdings   5,693,635 - 5,693,635
Insurance trust funds   2,426,756 - 2,426,756
     Unemployment compensation    305,793 - 305,793
     Employee retirement   2,120,963 - 2,120,963
     Workers' compensation   - - -
     Miscellaneous   - - -
Other than insurance trust funds   3,266,879 - 3,266,879
     By purpose:      
          Offsets to debt   903,320 - 903,320
          Bond funds   399,420 - 399,420
          Other   1,964,139 - 1,964,139
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (NA)   not available;  (X)   not applicable
Population source: U. S. Census Bureau, Population Division, released December 28, 2000
