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CDC Environmental Public Health Leadership Institute

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environmental Public Health Leadership Institute (EPHLI) is a 1-year program of seminars and workshops, special projects, and individual study. Each year, approximately 30 practicing environmental public health professionals are admitted to the program. CDC will pay all allowable and approved costs associated with participation in the institute.

    EPHLI Fact Sheet [PDF 137 KB]

    Why EPHLI?

    The institute was developed to strengthen the country’s environmental public health system by enhancing the leadership capabilities of state and local environmental public health specialists. Emphasis is placed on

    • enhancing strategic visioning and direction-setting skills through critical thinking and analysis (systems thinking), political effectiveness, and organizational and team development;
    • using the core functions of public health as a foundation for achieving environmental public health goals;
    • creating proactive environmental public health leaders who can mobilize resources in response to the changing public health environment (core competencies);
    • enhancing the performance outcomes of the essential services of environmental public health; and
    • promoting and improving the delivery of environmental public health services to communities.

    How Does EPHLI Strengthen These Programs?

    EPHLI graduates use what they have learned to increase the ability of their environmental public health programs to provide essential environmental public health services. These state, local, and tribal programs will be better able to respond to emerging environmental public health threats and coordinate the delivery of effective services to areas affected by environmental disasters.

    What Have Past Graduates Done?

    In February 2006, the first group of EPHLI scholars completed the program. Thirty-two scholars from across the United States prepared final reports for presentations or posters at graduation.

    Final reports from these and subsequent scholars address the following CDC Health Protection Goals of Healthy People in Healthy Places: Healthy Communities, Healthy Homes, Healthy Schools, and Healthy Travel and Recreation; and People Prepared for Emerging Health Threats.

    What Is the Time Commitment?

    Fellows attend two in-person working sessions and a concluding graduation program where systems thinking projects are presented. Participants in the 1-year program should plan to spend several hours per week working on their project, completing homework assignments, and actively participating in team conference calls and scheduled intersession meetings.

    Tentative program sessions for the class of 2010-2011 are

    • February 23-26, 2010 (CDC, Atlanta: attend presentations and graduation for previous class and participate in first session for incoming class): Sample Graduation Agenda [PDF 119 KB]

    • October 18-22, 2010 (Shepherdstown, West Virginia)
    • February 28-March 4, 2011 (CDC, Atlanta: fellow presentations and graduation)

    How Can I Sign Up for EPHLI?

    Applications for the class of 2010–2011 will be accepted from August 15 to October 31, 2009.

    • U.S. citizens working in the United States are eligible to apply.

    Wondering Whether EPHLI Is Right for You?

    Visit the Fellows and Mentors page for information about previous cohorts and participants.

    Where Can I Get More Information about EPHLI?

    For more information about EPHLI, contact CAPT John Sarisky at or Maggie Byrne at