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Rani Gran

Movie   ID   Roles   Title
This movie shows the orbits of the fleet of NASA spacecraft exploring the heliosphere.<p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href=   3595 Producer
  Sentinels of the Heliosphere
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Neil Armstrong making his way to the lunar surface, by climbing down the lunar module ladder.<p>   10453 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Neil Armstrong Making His Way to the Lunar Surface
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Buzz Aldrin follows Neil Armstrong down the lunar module ladder. <p>   10454 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Buzz Aldrin Following Neil Armstrong Down the Lunar Module Ladder
A side by sidy comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong unveil the commemorative plaque.<p>   10455 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong Unveil the Commemorative Plaque
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Neil Armstrong's television panorama.<p>   10456 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Neil Armstrong's Television Panorama
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Neil Armstrong photographing Buzz Aldrin setting up a Solar Wind Collector.<p>   10457 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Neil Armstrong Photographs Buzz Aldrin Setting Up a Solar Wind Collector
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Raising the American Flag.<p>   10458 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Raising the American Flag
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Buzz Aldrin walking and running.<p>   10459 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Buzz Aldrin Walking and Running
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of the astronauts talking with President Nixon.<p>   10460 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of the Astronauts Talking with President Nixon
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Buzz Aldrin kicking moon dust.<p>   10461 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Buzz Aldrin Kicking Moon Dust
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Buzz Aldrin carrying experiment packages.<p>   10462 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Buzz Aldrin Carrying Experiment Packages
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Buzz Aldrin hammering a core sample tube into the moon's surface.<p>   10463 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Buzz Aldrin Hammering a Core Sample Tube into the Moon's Surface
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of  Buzz Aldrin entering the LM after an EVA.<p>   10464 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Buzz Aldrin Entering the LM after an EVA
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of astronauts storing rock samples into the LM.<p>   10465 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Astronauts Storing Rock Samples into the LM
A side by side comparison of the original broadcast video and partially restored video of Neil Armstrong climbing the ladder after the three hour EVA.<p>   10466 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Partially Restored Video of Neil Armstrong Climbing the Ladder After the Three Hour EVA
Never before seen video of astronauts jettisoning backpacks. The broadcasting companies of the day stopped recording, due to the fact that the astronauts were inside the LM getting ready for take off.  A NASA employee filmed this by aiming his 8mm camera at a monitor.  <p>This version is framed to be compared with the footage previously in the NASA archive, however there was no footage in the archive for this segment.  For the full frame version, see below.   10467 Producer
  Apollo 11 40th Anniversary: Never Before Seen Video of Astronauts Jettisoning Backpacks
Apollo 11 Highlights<p>   10451 Producer
  NASA Releases Preview Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video
SOHO/TRACE Intro with bonus Sun Shots segment.<p><p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='SOHOtraceTranscript.htm'>here</a>.   10421 Producer
This movie shows the orbits of the fleet of NASA spacecraft exploring the heliosphere.   3570 Producer
  NASA's Heliophysics Observatories Study the Sun and Geospace
The movie zooms up to the Earth from the direction of the magnetotail to view the orbits of the THEMIS satellites in their dayside orbital configuration.   3569 Producer
  THEMIS Dayside Science - Sampling the Bow Shock
NASA's Heliophysics Fleet, around December 2006   3495 Producer
  Heliophysics Great Observatory (Phase-1)
This is a short movie of the Sun in ultraviolet light at solar minimum.   3548 Producer
  Comparison: Solar Minimum from SOHO/EIT
A short movie of the Sun around the time of maximum solar activity.   3549 Producer
  Comparison: Solar Maximum from SOHO/EIT
A synchronous play of SOHO/EIT (left) and TRACE (right) imagery from the 2003 Halloween Solar Storms.   3535 Producer
  Halloween Storms 2003: SOHO/EIT and TRACE at 195 Ångstroms
This movie displays nearly two weeks of EIT 195 Ångstrom data from around Halloween, 2003.   3500 Producer
  Halloween 2003 Solar Storms: SOHO/EIT Ultraviolet, 195 Å
<b>Promo</b><br><br>The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) will be NASA's new eye on the sun.  This short promo introduces SDO's comically animated alter-ego, 'Little SDO'.   10261 Producer
  Hello, SDO
The camera pulls out further, to observe the full IBEX orbit.   3514 Producer
  IBEX Orbit Visualization
Further evolution of the substorm.   3512 Producer
This movie zooms in on the Earth, revealing the placement of the ASI ground stations and their sky coverage. We observe the stations coming online as the night progresses.   3590 Producer
  THEMIS/ASI Nights - High Resolution
Near the peak of the event, it has moved over Alaska.   3513 Producer
  Auroral Substorm from Polar
Introduction to the 4D Ionosphere tool, Communication Alert and Prediction System.<p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='transcript.html'>here</a>.   10208 Producer
  4D Ionosphere
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