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   The National Association for Health and Fitness (NAHF) is a non-profit organization that exists to improve the quality of life for individuals in the United States through the promotion of physical fitness, sports and healthy lifestyles. NAHF accomplishes this work by fostering and supporting Governor’s and State Councils and coalitions that promote and encourages regular physical activity.

Many states have active councils that promote physical activity for persons of all ages and abilities. Governor and State Councils represent the grassroots programs that encourage the need for and benefits of regular physical activity, reaching more than 215 million people through state and local programs.

NAHF is also the national sponsor of National Employee Health and Fitness Day, the largest work site health and fitness event in North America. NAHF encourages you to use America On The Move or the President's Council Challenge in planning your employee health and fitness activities. Excellent work site health promotion resources are, and

New President's Council Awards

The President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports is pleased to announce the creation of two new awards, the Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA) ( and the Community Leadership Award (CLA) ( . These awards were established by the Council to recognize the countless contributions many Americans have made to promote or enhance physical activity, fitness, or sports in this country.  Please check out the websites for more information.  
Health Promotion Advocates promote healthy lifestyles among all Americans and thereby reduce medical costs and utilization, improve quality of life, and enhance productivity.

News & Other Information

News from ACSM
News from President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
How Big is the Health Promotion Market? Small but Getting Big, with Medicare Leading the Way
Are We Making Progress in Preventing Childhood Obesity?
Shape of the Nation Released
Quick News From ACFN
RWJF News Digest: Childhood Obesity
PE4life News and Info:
CDC's VERB Campaign
What’s New from the Guide to Community Preventive Services
State Actions to Promote Nutrition, Increase Physical Activity and Prevent Obesity: A Legislative Overview
Guidelines For Healthy Meetings
Special Report: Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids
Physical Activity Guidelines for Children

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Updated: 07/27/2009