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[HealthLiteracy 2289] Re: Educational materials for parents and teenson mental health issues

Kate MacDougall

litebulb11 at
Wed Sep 10 10:24:52 EDT 2008

*DBSA offers the following brochures (free PDFs available on their website,
small fee to order copies):

--Is It Just a Mood...or Something Else?: Mood Disorders for Young People
--Psychiatric Hospitalization: A Guide for Families
--The Storm in My Brain: Kids and Mood Disorders (written for children)
--Helping a Friend or Family Member with a Mood Disorder
--What Helps and What Hurts

Families for Depression Awareness offers a nice booklet for families titled
"Helping Someone Who is Depressed"**

***On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Julie McKinney <
julie_mcKinney at> wrote:

> Hi Shirley,


> This website Talking With Kids, includes information on discussing

> everything BUT mental health, but click on the Resources button for a

> listing of other places that might lead to you to some good information.




> As you have probably noticed, "mental health literacy" is a very

> resource-poor topic! I'd love to hear what folks recommend!


> Good luck,

> Julie


> Julie McKinney

> Health Literacy List Moderator

> World Education

> jmckinney at

> >>> "Shirley Berger" <sberger1 at> 09/10/08 9:33 AM >>>

> Hi,




> I'm interested in finding good educational materials on child mental

> health topics that are written for parents/caregivers and also for the

> children/teens themselves. In my work in child mental health services

> in NYC, I am sometimes asked to recommend materials that providers can

> give to families they work with (the latest example is a request for

> materials that primary care physicians can distribute to families about

> adolescent depression).




> I have found helpful information on the following websites:

> <> ;

> <> ;

> <> ;

> <> ;

> <> ; <> . Some

> are easier to navigate and offer more accessible information than

> others. My office has also been involved in piloting a strategy to

> engage NYC teens on mental health issues using social networking sites

> (including MySpace ), and we

> included fact sheets in that online campaign.




> I'm interested in knowing whether anyone on this list has other

> suggestions of written materials or websites in the area of child mental

> health... or has any ideas about "mental health literacy" in general.




> Thanks!




> Shirley Berger, MA, MPH, CHES


> Research and Policy Coordinator


> Bureau of Child and Adolescent Services


> NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene


> 93 Worth Street, Room 1210


> New York, NY 10013


> Tel: 212-219-5390


> Fax: 212-219-5392


> E-mail: sberger1 at







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