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[HealthLiteracy 2077] Re: WIC Mother's Health Literacy Campaign

Davies, Nicola

NDavies at
Thu Jun 12 14:52:36 EDT 2008

Hi Matt, You'll have to forgive those non-clinicals among us - could you define WIC? I do very general campaigns for HL in October, and may have some ideas to help you with your project. The reason mine are general is because (going from the 3 part model of access, interpretation, action) I work very closely with patients on the access of health information as well as with clinical managers on the creation of health information.

Nicola Davies

Nicola Davies, BA<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Health Literacy Specialist

Wellness Centre Coordinator

Consumer Health Information Technician

8 ndavies at

) (403) 352-7643

* Red Deer Regional Hospital

3942-50A Ave

Red Deer, AB

T4N 4E7
-----Original Message-----
From: healthliteracy-bounces at [mailto:healthliteracy-bounces at]On Behalf Of Matt Gayer
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:54 AM
To: healthliteracy at
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 2074] WIC Mother's Health Literacy Campaign

Colleagues -
I am starting the planning phase of a health literacy campaign targeting WIC participants in our county. I was wandering if anyone else has done a similiar program, or if anyone else is interested in this. I would love to share our ideas with you and discuss your ideas as we try to develop an effective program. Thank you.


Matt Gayer
Community Health Intern
Jefferson County Health Department
1818 Lonedell Drive
Arnold, Missouri, 63010
Work Phone 636-282-1010
Cell Phone 636-232-4703
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